1 Developing for society Standards and best practices in TAP applications
2 What is TEISS? a TAP support project about standards identify key standardisation areas, in particular those that are common across a number of application sectors assist standards developments, including preparation of new standards and validation of existing standards.
3 Projects and standards List of 40 projects that need help –use of suitable standards –new standards needed Telematics for Disabled and Elderly Telematics for Urban and Rural Areas...
4 Who is TEISS? European Committee for Standardisation / Information Society Standardisation System (CEN/ISSS) Université Libre de Bruxelles Quercus Information Limited Chris Makemson Consultants Limited
5 who needs them what sort of standards the standards fora Do we need standards?
6 Who needs standards? product designers –reusable components service developers –integration and interoperability users –training –procurement regulators
7 What sort of standards? technical standards –data formats –protocols –interfaces best practices guidance Memoranda of Understanding
8 Standards fora de jure de facto industrial consortia interest groups global regional refer to –
9 How can TEISS help? listening to you providing guidance material setting up groups on particular subjects (Special Interest Groups - SIGs) –ISSS workshops electronic fora for discussion of issues web site:
10 The issues Info-kiosks and their aspects (dimensions, interface, functionality) videoconferencing tools interfaces for GIS data handling light EDI-solutions for SMEs and citizen's services smart cards …..
11 Clusters Learning - see the PROMETEUS web site at Assistive technology Environmental data Trust and commerce Kiosks Geographic and economic data Video-conferencing