May 24, 2015 Scottsdale AZ Use Social Media to Enhance Employability and Communication Skills #WBEA15
Presentation’s Objectives Develop techniques for integrating social media profile building into business classes. Increase experience with social networks as a business skill. Gain ideas for integrating social network knowledge as an important Employability Skill.
Should your students professionally use social media?
Personal Branding a Digital Persona to stand out among your peers
Communication Skills Digital writing offers opportunities for students to sharpen their writing. Develop content for different purposes and different audiences – but professional at all times.
Communication Skills Learn the art of digital communication tools while demonstrating digital citizenship Provide rubrics and checklists to guide what students are doing
Social Media Profiles Draft them in class BEFORE posting. Engage in critical analysis of good profiles and not so good ones as well. Promote as ongoing and not a one time effort. Understand personal branding. REMEMBER: The importance of a digital persona isn’t going to go way.
Variety of Social Media Twitter LinkedIn FaceBook Pinterist Google+ Tumblr Wordpress Others See LiveBinder of instructional resources at
Benefits to Organizations/Businesses of Using Social Media
Benefits for Teaching & Learning Social Media Skills Increased communication skills Increased personal branding Increased employability options Increased digital persona Increased knowledge And more
A quote from “Social media is changing the parameters of how people and organisations interact and operate. Students need to know how to use it not just for jobs, but also to shape their online presence and convey the skills they have with ease. The demand for employees to be digitally literate in business environments is rising. So it is crucial that teaching methodologies evolve and adapt to provide students with digital and social media skills.” The Guardian. (2012). network/blog/2012/jun/18/social-media-to-boost-student- employabilityhttp:// network/blog/2012/jun/18/social-media-to-boost-student- employability
Tips from The future of job search strategy is now. Ms. Wheatman says: Some of my best business contacts are people I have never met or even spoken to on the phone. Not on LinkedIN, Twitter or other networking sites? You need to be there. Traditional job search strategies aren’t enough anymore. Create your personal brand. LinkedIn. Blogging isn’t just for bloggers. me-the-touchstone-of-the-new-digital-persona/773/
Tips from B2C says: Create a strategy Just like a corporate brand, every branding session begins with a strategy. You need to know where you’re going before you can get there. Take the time to review your strengths. Here are some questions to consider: -- What are your goals? – What’s your mission or vision for yourself? – What are your personal values? – What skills do you offer that make you valuable? – How do you describe yourself? – Do you specialize in any particular industry? What’s your niche? The most critical part of developing your brand is to be authentic. By creating your brand around what you’re passionate about, you’ll find it easy to find ways to continue to strengthen your brand throughout your career. Read more at brand-career-success #1O4gLVhClJJ1lhA brand-career-success #1O4gLVhClJJ1lhA8.99
More Tips from B2C says: Promote your brand online In a world where everything is going digital, it’s important that you portray yourself well online. Employers will most likely Google your name before they even meet you to determine if you get an interview. Here are the essentials to promote your brand as best as possible online: LinkedIn – Your profile should be at All-Star profile strength. Be active in groups that are related to your career field and follow corporate brands that put out valuable content.All-Star profile strength Twitter – Having a professional Twitter account helps build thought leadership and connects you with other successful leaders. It also helps when speaking at a conference to utilize hashtags and increase your brand awareness. Blog / Website – Depending on your expertise, you should have a website or blog. A website is a good way to show your work if you have a portfolio (i.e. designer, architect, etc.). A blog provides a way for someone to develop thought leadership in their field or niche. By creating valuable content, you will establish credibility and begin to grow as a thought leader. While social media can help with growing your personal brand, it takes more than online branding to build recognition and credibility with your audience. Read more at brand-career-success #1O4gLVhClJJ1lhA8.99http:// brand-career-success #1O4gLVhClJJ1lhA8.99
Tips from 1. Create a Twitter Job Search List to Track Job Listings From Thousands of Sources 2. Use JibberJobber to Keep Track of Information You Collect During Your Job Search 3. Use LinkedIn Resume Builder to Create an Updated Resume Fast 4. Put a Short and Unique LinkedIn URL on Your Resume to Stand Out to Recruiters 5. Use SocialMention to Manage Your Online Reputation 6. Use LinkedIn Groups to Contact Someone You Don’t Have an For 7. Update Your LinkedIn Status Daily to Stay Top of Mind
Tips from
Next we’ll take a road show through resources! Slideshare LiveBinder Dr. Dittmar’s Blog THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! Use Social Media to Enhance Employability and Communication Skills May 24, 2015 Scottsdale AZ