What is a System?
A System A system can be described as a group or collection of resources that work in unison towards fulfilling a common goal. Examples of systems include: A computer system A car system A booking system A reservation system A payroll system
Systems do not work in isolation; they rely upon data being fed into the system so that a response or action can be generated. A computer is a very complex multitasking system, however without he use of an operator feeding in data and commands the system would not be able to process and output data thus becoming redundant.
Data input by an operator Computer processes the data Processed data is output
Levels of decision making. Strategic: top level management Tactical: middle management Operational: sub managementStrategy planning Resource planning Process planning
The strategic level represents the highest levels of management i.e. managing director, chief executive and senior managers. Decisions at this level would include planning for the future, strategic decisions such as mergers, takeovers and forecasting markets and trends.
Tactical level represents middle management, includes heads of departments, assistant directors. Decisions would focus on project plans, resources issues and financing. Operational level focuses on the day to day decision making, the mechanics of the organisation. Includes the majority of the workforce and sub management levels.
So how does information in a business feed into other departments in order to make the system work? There are 3 ways that information can travel through an organisation. Upwards Downwards Laterally
Upward communication signifies that the information is passed through each level with the source originating at the base level, possibly operation and moving through the tactical and strategic levels. Strategic Tactical Operational An example of this may be a request from a data entry clerk for a supervisor to check a piece of work. At a tactical level it may be request from a manager to a head of department asking for more resources to support a project.
Downward communication is where the information is filtered through the organisation from the top levels. Strategic Tactical Operational An example of this may be a health and safety policy being implemented by the director of a manager setting up a staff appraisal with a member of his team.
Lateral communication takes place between people of a similar position within the organisation. An example of this may be two people within the same department sharing ideas or working together on a project. Team leader – Data entry clerk
Task Levels of Responsibility In pairs investigate the above levels of the decisions making process, find three examples of each: A school/college, A cinema A football club In pairs research and take sufficient notes to be able to feedback to the group on their levels of responsibility using bullet points as your guide.