Monday, October 1st Entry Task Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. What is the process that transfers energy by the motion of many particles in liquids or gases? What is the process that moves energy from one object to another when they are physically touching? What process is energy traveling as electromagnetic waves? Schedule: Energy Movement Notes Objective: I can understand the different processes that cause energy to move Homework Energy Movement Foldable Please have on desk: 9.3 RSG
The transfer of energy as heat can be controlled. 4.3 The transfer of energy as heat can be controlled. • Energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation. • Different materials are used to control the transfer of energy. Types of Energy Transfer Conduction Convection Radiation • Energy transferred by direct contact • Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves such as light, microwaves, and infrared radiation • Occurs in gases and liquids • Energy flows directly from warmer object to cooler object • Movement of large number of particles in same direction • All objects radiate energy • Occurs due to difference in density • Can occur within one object • Can transfer energy through empty space • Cycle occurs while temperature differences exist • Continues until object temperatures are equal
The transfer of energy as heat can be controlled. 4.3 The transfer of energy as heat can be controlled. • Energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation. • Different materials are used to control the transfer of energy. SIMULATION Identify examples of conduction, convection, or radiation.
Tuesday, October 2nd Entry Task Schedule: Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. What is both a form of energy and a way that heat transfers energy? What is the process that transfers energy by the motion of many particles in liquids or gases? What are poor conductors of energy? What do two objects need for conduction to occur? Schedule: 9.3 Quiz Thermos pre lab Objective: I can understand the transfer of energy as heat can be controlled Homework: Bring materials to build your thermos Finish Energy Transfer Foldable Please have on your desk Energy transfer foldable
The transfer of energy as heat can be controlled. 4.3 The transfer of energy as heat can be controlled. • Energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation. • Different materials are used to control the transfer of energy. Types of Energy Transfer Conduction Convection Radiation • Energy transferred by direct contact • Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves such as light, microwaves, and infrared radiation • Occurs in gases and liquids • Energy flows directly from warmer object to cooler object • Movement of large number of particles in same direction • All objects radiate energy • Occurs due to difference in density • Can occur within one object • Can transfer energy through empty space • Cycle occurs while temperature differences exist • Continues until object temperatures are equal
(remember to create your own title for your final formal lab report) Build a Thermos (remember to create your own title for your final formal lab report)
Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to build the best device for keeping liquids hot or cold
Background information Write a background information paragraph that is no shorter than 8 sentences, you may use multiple paragraphs. Include the following: What is a thermos? Include the words heat, temperature, insulator, radiation and conduction in your answer.
Hypothesis Write a hypothesis using If…, Then…, Because…. Example: If (material, method) is used to create a thermos, then the thermos will maintain a waters temperature the best, because…….
Variables Manipulated- (what you are changing) Responding- (how you are measuring the change) Controlled- (what things are you keeping the same)
Materials List materials you may use to make a thermos You will be providing your own materials Commonly used materials may include water bottle, tin can, basic house hold items for insulators (think about what is around your house that you can bring to use), tape.
Wednesday, October 3rd Entry Task Schedule: Finish Pre-Lab For Your Thermos Lab….. Write a background information paragraph that is no shorter than 8 sentences, you may use multiple paragraphs. Include the following: What is a thermos? Include the words heat, temperature, insulator, radiation and conduction in your answer. Schedule: Finish Pre-Lab Build your thermos Objective: I can understand the transfer of energy as heat can be controlled Homework: Make sure everything from your pre-lab is completed (need to have title skeleton of data table) Please have on your desk: Materials for building thermos
Procedure Create Step by Step instructions for building your thermos (Your thermos can’t be any larger than 30 cm X 30 cm X 30 cm). You will be taking water temperature measurements every two minutes for a total of ten minutes when testing hot water You will be taking water temperature measurements every two minutes for a total of ten minutes when testing cold water You will share data with two other groups and record their data to obtain data for 3 thermos.
Data Table Trial 0 min (°C) 2 min (°C) 4 min 6 min 8 min 10 min 1 (you) 2 3
Thursday, October 4th Entry Task We will be going over the procedure and making any last minute changes later in the period. Just write down the objective and homework for now. Schedule: Test your Thermos Objective: I can understand the effects of a thermos (insulators) on liquids Homework Create a graph to represent your data Please have on desk: Thermos and lab write up (data tables)
Graph Create a line graph that contains two lines; one line for Hot water and one line for Cold water. Use all the data from your thermos ONLY. Create two more graphs for the other two groups The graphs should show the change in temperature over time.
Friday, October 5th Entry Task Share your graph with someone from a different group. Explain how the graph was made (if it includes everything that needs to be included) Compare the data that was recorded. (similarities, differences?) Determine who’s graph shows the most efficient thermos (had the least amount of temperature difference). Schedule: Thermos Analysis and Conclusion Objective I can analyze laboratory data Homework: Formal Lab Report Due Monday!!! Chapter 4 test on Tuesday! Please Have on Desk: Graph for thermos lab.
Conclusion Do not follow the normal conclusion format Answer the following questions as your conclusion (Use Full sentences, IQIA) Compare your data to at least 2 other groups. Did your thermos work better or worse than other groups? Use at least two different numbers for each group to describe the similarities and differences. What design features were different between you and other groups? What design features were the same? What features worked well in your thermos? What features would you change? Make sure to use vocabulary words when comparing them (insulator, heat, temperature)