Latitude and Longitude Theme 1: Location
Test Your Knowledge T or F: Lines of latitude run from east to west. T or F: Lines of longitude run from east to west. T or F: Latitude measures the location of a point east or west of the Equator. T or F: Longitude measures the location of a point east or west of the Prime Meridian.
Latitude (parallels) Definition: Imaginary lines that run parallel to the Equator They run from east to west Horizontal lines LATITUDE=THINK OF STEPS OF A LADDER LATITUDE=“FLAT”ITUDE
Latitude Measured in degrees NORTH or SOUTH Degrees are determined by how far north or south of the Equator a place is Equator= most important line of latitude The Equator is at 0° latitude.
Latitude Lines of latitude NORTH of the Equator measured in °N. Lines of latitude SOUTH of the Equator measured in °S. Ex: Bettendorf, Iowa is located 41° north of the Equator, so its latitude is 41°N.
Longitude Definition: Imaginary lines that run beside the Prime Meridian They run from north to south Vertical lines LONGitude= Think LONG (like long hair)
Longitude Measured in degrees EAST OR WEST Degrees are determined by how far east or west of the Prime Meridian a place is Prime Meridian=most important line of longitude The Prime Meridian is at 0° longitude.
Longitude Lines of longitude WEST of the Prime Meridian measured in °W. Lines of longitude EAST of the Prime Meridian measured in °E. Ex: Bettendorf, Iowa is located 90° west of the Prime Meridian, so its longitude is 90°W.
Global Grid Together, lines of latitude and lines of longitude make a grid system. Using this grid system, you can determine the exact location of any point on Earth.
Now it’s your turn! Work with the person sitting next to you. Find the atlas underneath your desk. On the back side of your notes sheet, number 1-5.
Write the answers to the following questions in your notebook. 1. I am in an ocean at 30 °S latitude, 60°E longitude. What ocean am I in? 2. I am on a continent at 0 ° latitude, 30°E longitude. What continent am I in? 3. I am in a country at 60°N, 100°W. What country am I in? 4. I am climbing a mountain at 10°S, 76°W. What mountain range am I in? 5. I am in a city at 40°N, 116°E. What city am I in?
Write the answers in your notebook. 1. I am in an ocean at 30 °S latitude, 60°E longitude. What ocean am I in? Indian Ocean 2. I am on a continent at 0 ° latitude, 30°E longitude. What continent am I in? Africa 3. I am in a country at 60°N, 100°W. What country am I in? Canada 4. I am climbing a mountain at 10°S, 70°W. What mountain range am I in? Andes Mountains 5. I am in a city at 40°N, 116°E. What city am I in? Beijing