SATs 2015 11th May – 14th May
Year 6 SATs Evening PURPOSE OF THIS EVENING to aid understanding of the assessment process to suggest strategies for supporting children to share the timetable for the week
What are KS2 SATs? Standard Assessment Tests All children have to be tested before they go to secondary school Provide assessment information for high schools Purpose – assign National Curriculum levels to children before they leave primary school
What does teacher assessment involve, and is it different from testing? Teacher assessment draws together everything the teacher or teachers know about a child, including observations, marked work and school assessments. Teacher assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests and is therefore more reliable. There can be a difference between teacher assessment results and test levels.
Writing Assessment Writing no longer has a SATs test during test week. Writing is teacher assessed from classroom work. Teacher assessments are moderated internally by Senior Management. Teacher assessments may be moderated externally by LA moderators.
What level should Y6 children be at? Level 2 - These children will not be entered for the test Level 3 - Below age related expectation Level 4 - At age related expectation Level 5 - Above age related expectation Level 6 - Well above age related age expectation (equivalent to grade C/D at GCSE)
How is SATs week organised? A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days/sessions tests must be administered. All children must sit the tests at the same time. Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin. Tests are completed in classrooms or the hall, with any displays that may help covered over. Children are divided into groups for test administration to ensure they are properly supported and feel secure.
Timetable Monday Tuesday Wed Thurs Level 3-5 Reading English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test mathematics Paper 1 mathematics Paper 2 Level 6 mathematics Paper 1 Level 6
Year 6 SATs consist of: A reading test A grammar, punctuation and spelling test Maths paper x 2 Mental Arithmetic paper
Reading Test The format changed last year 1 hour to read booklet and answer questions There will be 3 texts and corresponding sets of questions which are at different levels There will be a variety of questions to be answered in different ways Children cannot have any adult help in this test
There are 4 main types of questions Literal – The answer is there in the text Deductive – Look for clues Inferential – Read between the lines Authorial intent – e.g. why does the author use a particular word?
SPAG Statistics reveal that 1 in 4 children are leaving primary school without a firm grasp of spelling, punctuation and grammar. The SPAG test encourages schools to focus on these basics. Features of sentences Punctuation Complex sentences Word classes Vocabulary Word classes Standard English
There is no longer a calculator test. Mathematics Two written test papers -Test 1 and Test 2 A mental mathematics test (This is a 20 minute orally delivered, assessment. ) There is no longer a calculator test.
Paper 1 and Paper 2 Some questions are worth one mark and therefore accuracy is important. Other questions are worth two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for correct working. Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.
Typical mental maths questions 5 second questions: What is double ninety? What time is it half an hour after ten-fifteen? 10 second questions: The temperature was three degrees Celsius. It goes down by eight degrees. Write the new temperature. Add three point three to seven point seven. Lara spends three pounds fifty-five. She pays with a ten pound note. How much change does she get? 15 second questions: Multiply thirty-five by six. Nine is half of a number. What is one-third of the number? Four oranges cost ninety-five pence. How much do 12 oranges cost?
How can parents help with Maths? Support with homework – not just helping with the Maths but reading the question can really help. Encourage your child to show the working out and check answers using the inverse operation. TIMES TABLES!!! Practise mental maths with your child as often as you can
During SATs week: Please ensure that your child is in school every day during SATs week. Ensure that they are in school on time. We will be offering a breakfast club from 8.15am where your child can have cereal, toast and a drink before the test. Please don’t book anything during this week e.g. doctor’s appointments. If your child is ill, let us know immediately.
What Can I Do To Help My Child? The best help is to take a keen interest in your child’s learning. Support with homework. Good communication between the school and home. Please inform us of any problems. Ensure your child is well rested and has a set sleeping routine. Support your child in aiming for 100% attendance.
Useful Websites / BBC Bite Size Revision web site. Woodlands School Revision Page CGP Revision On –line Information for parents :
Any questions?
Internet Safety Please ensure that your child is safe online. Check privacy settings on any social media / messaging sites. Check on-line history – smart phones often have no parental controls switched on! Ensure that your child is aware that online conversations can be traced!