Interim Results 24 August 2010
2 Financial Highlights Operations Review Business Outlook
3 1H/2010 (HK$ M) 1H / 2009 (HK$ M) Turnover Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders Interim Results
55 33% 13% 16% 22% 16%
6 1H/2010 (HK$ M) 1H/2009 (HK$ M) Turnover Cost of Services(189.9)(132.9) Gross Profit Other net income Valuation gains/(losses) on Investment Properties 0.1(0.2) Administrative Expenses(39.3)(34.2) Profit from Operations
7 1H/2010 (HK$ M) 1H/2009 (HK$ M) Profit from Operations Finance costs(3.7)- Profit before taxation Income tax(35.9)(16.7) Profit after taxation Attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Company Earnings per share – Basic (HK cents) Earnings per share – Diluted (HK cents)
10 Note: EBITDA Margin represents earnings before interest income / expenses, other income, taxation, depreciation, amortization and impairment loss as a percentage of turnover.
11 30 Jun Jun 2009 APSTAR 676%70.3% APSTAR 5 (APT’s transponders) 78%80.6% APSTAR 2R82%N/A
12 SS/L FS1300 Commenced operation in August 2004 APT keeps 20 C & 9 Ku Transponders The mission life is about 15 years Maintained high utilization rate with further increase potential
13 APSTAR 6 Thales Alenia Space (formerly known as Alcatel Space) Spacebus4100C1 High-power satellite with 38 C-band and 12 Ku-band Started commercial operation in June 2005 Operation mission life over 15 years Maintained high utilization rate with further growth potential
14 Built on SS/L FS1300 and commenced operation in November1997 with 15 years life APT terminated the Lease Agreement with Telesat on 9 July 2009 and took up 43 transponders with reputable customers The C-band transponders cover Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, approx. 75% of the world’s population High filling rate for C transponders with strong income stream
15 Satellite Procurement Contract was signed on 29 Sept 2009 with Thales Alenia Space France (“TASF”) Launch Service Contract was signed on 8 Nov 2009 with China Great Wall Industry Corporation (“CGWIC”) Based on Spacebus 4000 C2 platform, to be located at same orbital slot as APSTAR 2R with 28 C and 28 Ku transponders Scheduled to be launched in Q to replace APSTAR 2R
16 As a back up satellite of APSTAR 7, signed with TASF and CGWIC in April 2010 Based on Spacebus 4000 C2 platform with 28 C and 23 Ku transponders Scheduled to be delivered in Q in the event of launch failure of APSTAR 7 Transferred to China Satellite Communications Co. Ltd. (“CSCC”) under Cooperation Agreement in case APSTAR 7 is successful 16
17 Satellite TV Broadcasting Services APT Satellite TV Development Ltd. (A subsidiary) Satellite-based Telecommunications Services APT Telecom Services Limited ( A subsidiary) Data Centre Services
18 IImproved business environment FFierce market competition GGrowing demand for transponders and services BBusiness growth due to APSTAR 2R/7 with increase of transponder capacities and better competitive edges
19 APT Satellite Holdings Limited