Historical examples
1970’s – Acid Rain Crisis: Slight increases in the acidity of rain were causing damage to vegetation, aquatic life, and structural damage to buildings, etc … Cause: primarily due to SO x emissions from burning high-sulfur fossil fuels Remedy: Cap and Trade law limiting sulfur emissions (diesel pumps are still labeled “low sulfur”)
Acid Rain affects plant life
Acid Rain affects aquatic life
Acid Rain affects us
1980’s – The hole in the ozone layer Crisis: Ozone levels were decreasing in the upper atmosphere (with “holes” developing over the Earth’s poles). Since Ozone filters UV light, increased skin cancers and decreased crop health were anticipated. Cause: CFC’s from aerosol sprays, refrigerators and AC’s, and microchip manufacture released into atmosphere Remedy: Montreal Protocol (1987); in US Law limiting use of CFC’s, first in aerosols, then in refrig/AC
A hole in the Ozone Layer
Protection by the Ozone Layer
We had solid evidence before we acted
One of the culprits
2000’s – Global Warming Crisis: The Earth’s climate is warming up Cause: CO 2 from fossil fuels Greenhouse Effect ??? Remedy: Kyoto Protocol (1998), not signed by US; Reduce our carbon footprint – “Ten Things” list from liner notes to AIT, Increased CAFE stds, Cap and Trade law limiting industrial CO 2 emissions
This can’t be right?
Polar bear revenge
Not controversial
The culprit?
The solution?