+ agINFRA - a data infrastructure to support agricultural scientific communities Brussels, hearing at 22-feb-2011 Miguel-Angel Sicilia, UAH Nikos Manouselis, AgroKnow Johannes Keizer, FAO Antun Balaz, IPB
+ The project at a glance A data infrastructure for agricultural scientific communities. Based on an open linked data architecture harmonizing semantics and ontologies. Aggregating data of existing systems and taking advantage of advanced Grid services and infrastructure. Devised for scalability and maximum interoperability by adapting existing widely used components. Fostering diverse communities of heterogeneous providers and users. Providing researcher-centric services as conceptualized in the VOA3R project and covering CERIF.
+ From CIARD RING to agINFRA Source: Pesce, Maru & Keizer, IAALD conference, 2010
+ Integrated services CIARD RING – From an on-line index of services and projects to an infrastructure for registering, managing and hosting data services. AGRIS – From a large bibliographic index of publications to a linked data Atlas of agricultural research/ers. AgroPedia – From an Indian agricultural Wiki to a collaborative, semantic, dynamic aggregator of specialized information and knowledge. AgLR-TF – From an index of agricultural learning repositories to a federation infrastructure with advanced tools for aggregating learning resources. Organic.Edunet – From an specialized gateway of learning object repositories to a highly interactive and scalable visualization and browsing service.
+ Specific questions from the experts 1. In JRA2, please explain in more detail how the data will be integrated. 2. Please provide more specific information on the standards to be considered. 3. Please clarify the role of the IITK in relation to the contribution from the FAO. 4. Please describe which partner(s) provide the required skills and experience on interoperability arrangements between databases. 5. Please provide more details on the type of work being done by the sub- contractors. 6. Please summarise your main success criteria for the service to be developed, and which quantitative indicators will you use to measure success
agINFRA - LinkedOpenData AgINFRA Triplifier agInfraVocBench or gs External VOCs bibo dc skos foaf AgINFRA concept/entity identifier /tagger agINFRA Exposure Layer Social networking platforms Technology Databases Project Databases Data Repositories Directories of Experts and Institutions Science Blogs Websites LOR Scholarly Journals Open Archives XXX agINFRA concepts ASFA AGROVOC RiceOnt BioTech XXXXXX org s agINFRA entities projects expert s XXXXXX orgs networks agInfraComponents agINFRA- R.I.N.G. AGRIS AGROPEDIA OrgEduNet
+ (2) Standards to be considered W3C/Semantic Web Standards OWL, RDF, SKOS, [Linked Open Data] Research Information System Model CERIF (EuroCRIS) General purpose metadata DC, FOAF, BIBO, MODS, IEEE LOM Agricultrure/environmental specific metadata AgrisAP, AgMES, EML Vocabularies and ontologies AGROVOC, PO, OBOE, Organic.Edunet, VOA3R RM, ASFA, NALT, JAD, agExperts Harvesting/federated search OAI PMH (Drupal, Dspace, Fedora Commons), SQI Any LOD vocabulary publicly exposed according to the recommendations. INFRA standards: EMI, OGF
+ (4) Partner(s) with skills and experience on interoperability arrangements between databases Interoperability is substantiated in semantic linking through RDF. Technical: UAH FP6 LUISA on SWS, Organic.Edunet mapping of terminologies, VOA3R exposing linked data Team with 8+ years experience in ontologies and interoperability. SR: STERNA coordination – semantics in NHM AK: CEN standards committee – interoperability of LOM APs. Modeling, workflow and harmonization approach: FAO: AGROVOC terminology services, NeOn FP6 project. Infrastructure support for the interoperability: INFN, IPB, SZTAKI
+ (5) Main success criteria for the service, and quantitative indicators to measure success Measurable increase in sharing and federation of agricultural data ~3M agricultural and 49,5M generic bibliographic entries ~2,6M items of scientific literature open access ~100K educational resources >5 raw data repositories (e.g. Germoplasm) Measurable involvement of users/communities in data management processes >20 pilot trials Over 75% user satisfaction levels >15 stakeholder events 11 data providers/networks >20 countries and >20 languages covered Measurable interoperability & harmonisation of metadata, semantics and ontologies >5 agricultural metadata standards in various languages harmonised >5 existing agricultural ontologies/thesauri interconnected and mapped
+ (6) Type of work of subcontractors FAO subcontracting to IITK – explained later UAH subcontracting: IITS – resp. of sustainability of Organic.Edunet. Requires changing and re-scalating the operational model and re-deployment after the refactoring to the agINFRA virtual engine portal layer Other VOA3R partner subcontracts: Not simple data integration, as they are already federated in VOA3R which is expected to expose linked data. Entails migration to the Virtual Data Infrastructure Layer and changing operations to a virtual server model.
+ (3) Role of IITK in relation to the contribution from the FAO Contributions of IIT Kanpur AgroTagger (key component of agINFRA concept and entity Identifier) AgroPedia Indica – Data and Service Provider Partner or Subcontractor? Both can deliver the desired results. Consortium happy to change status, IITK prepared for that.