1 State Broadband Data and Development Ohio GIS Conference September 18, 2009 Katrina Flory Ohio Department of Administrative Services Office of Information Technology
2 Signed by President Bush on October 10, 2008 – PL Improve quality of Federal and State data regarding availability and quality of broadband services Promote deployment of affordable broadband services Encourage State initiatives to improve broadband Baseline broadband deployment Identify barriers to broadband adoption Create local planning teams Increase computer ownership Broadband Data Improvement Act
3 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act $7.2 billion for broadband Competitive grant and loan opportunities through federal programs US Dept of Agriculture: Rural Utilities Service (RUS) US Dept of Commerce: National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) RUS focus on rural areas NTIA focus on unserved and underserved Specific programs State Broadband Data & Deployment Grant Program Sustainable Adoption Programs Public Computing Centers Broadband Infrastructure National Broadband Plan
4 Recovery Act Authorizes Broadband Mapping Pursuant to the Recovery Act NTIA shall develop and maintain a comprehensive, interactive and searchable nationwide inventory map of existing broadband service capability and availability in the US that depicts the geographic extent to which broadband service capability is deployed and available from a commercial or public provider throughout each state.
5 National Broadband Map Geographic areas where broadband service is available Technologies used to provide broadband service Spectrum used for provision of wireless broadband service Available broadband speeds Service available to community anchor institutions Searchable by address
6 State Broadband Data and Development Estimated Total Program Funding: $240M Award parameters Mapping: $1.9M – $3.8M Planning: $500,000 Expected number of awards: 56 One per State as designated by the State Awards not yet announced Goal – September 15 Revised budgets requested September
7 State Broadband Data and Development Eligible Uses Gather comprehensive and accurate state-level broadband mapping data address level availability, technology, speed, infrastructure, average revenue per user, spectrum used (wireless) Develop state-level broadband maps Aid in the development and maintenance of a national broadband map Fund statewide initiatives for broadband planning
8 State Broadband Data and Development Timeline August 14: Deadline for application submission September 10: Federal register notice request for amended project budgets September 15: Original award date November 1: Delivery of substantially complete set of availability data February 1: Delivery of substantially complete set of all broadband mapping data March 1: Delivery of complete set of all broadband mapping data September 1: Commence w/semi-annual updates through 2014
9 Connect Ohio Governor Strickland announced launch of Connect Ohio on December 17, 2007 Connect Ohio supports the Administration’s goal to achieve digital inclusion in Ohio Affordable broadband availability for all of Ohio; Dramatically improved use of computers and the Internet by all Ohioans; Local technology planning teams that include every Ohio community; A meaningful Internet presence in all Ohio communities, to improve citizen services and promote economic development through e-government, virtual education and e-health solutions
% of Ohio households have broadband available. More than 70 broadband providers contribute the data behind this map. Ohio Broadband Availability FCC, NTIA, and USDA definitions will determine additional layers and criteria for map updates.
11 State Broadband Data and Development Ohio Approach Support existing spatial data development projects in Ohio Provide more accurate and up-to-date base mapping to overlay aggregate provider bandwidth data Tie bandwidth data to specific addresses – identifying coverage to a higher degree of accuracy Identify gaps in broadband availability for Ohio
12 Thank you. Contact information