Slide 1 1. Welcome and Apologies ›Apologies were received from: ›Dany Vandromme (RENATER), Pedro Veiga (FCCN), Robert Sultana (University of Malta), Jean-Marcc Uzé (Juniper Networks), ……… ›Proxies: ›Artur Binczewski represents PSNC with proxy ›……… ›Observers: ›………..
Slide 2 2. Approval of Agenda ›The GA is asked to approve the agenda (GA(10)001).
Slide 3 3. Presentation and discussion on the EU’s “Future Internet” initiatives ›Presentation by Jean-Luc Dorel ›Presentation by Vasilis Maglaris ›Discussion
Slide 4 4. Minutes of 32 nd GA meeting ›The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 32 nd General Assembly meeting, which was held in Bucharest on October 2009 (GA(09)024r1).
Slide 5 5. Membership matters 5a. Admission of new members ›The GA is asked to admit ANAS as the National Member for Azerbaijan in category 2, with a membership fee of 0.6 units and 6 votes in the TERENA General Assembly ›The GA is asked to admit RENAM as the National Member for Moldova in category 1, with a membership fee of 0.3 units and 3 votes in the TERENA General Assembly, effective from receipt of the membership fee for the first year
Slide 6 5. Membership matters 5b. Changes in membership ›Ekinops SAS and Nortel Networks resigned as Associate Members of TERENA as from 1 January ›The GA is asked to admit CYNET as the National member for Cyprus, replacing the University of Cyprus
Slide 7 5. Membership matters 5c. Changes in representatives ›ANAS: Rasim Alguliyev (representative), Yadigar Imamverdiyev (substitute) ›RENAM: Petru Bogatencov (representative), Grigore Secrieru (substitute) ›CERN: David Foster (representative) ›Level 3 Communications: Robert van Beurden (representative), Patrick Burgers (substitute) ›DANTE: Matthew Scott (substitute) ›University of Belgrade – AMRES: Pavle Vuletić (substitute) ›LITNET: Raimundas Tuminauskas (representative), Aurelija Gefeniene (substitute)
Slide 8 5. Membership matters 5d. Outstanding membership fees organisationctry total IUCCIL21,711 MARNETMK-242,0111,987 Cisco Systems EMBL2,755 Juniper Networks1,7392,8464,585 Level 3 Communications Nortel Networks2,514 total---4,22929,32333,552
Slide 9 6. TERENA formal matters 6a. Adoption of financial accounts 2009 ›Two points worth noting: ›Cost statements for FP projects get inspected (sometimes years) afterwards by EC-appointed auditors, which may lead to repayments ›New form of presentation of income and expenditure on projects (pages 18-21)
Slide TERENA formal matters 6a. Adoption of financial accounts 2009 ›How to read the new presentation of projects: FEDERICA INCOME From general TERENA resources32,236 From earmarked Contributions79,081 From balance, accrued in ,213 To balance, deferred income-40,483 Total income ,047 EXPENDITURE Salaries101,587 Computers/Software0 Travel4,162 Meeting costs0 Office running costs85 Contracted services9,213 From balance, accrued in To balance, prepaid costs0 Total expenditure ,047 Earmarked contributions ,811 Earmarked contributions, previous years78,589 From general TERENA resources, ,236 From general TERENA resources, previous years33,269 Total income226,905 Expenditure ,047 Expenditure previous years111,858 Total expenditure226,905 Funding from EU and other earmarked contributions 71.1%
Slide TERENA formal matters 6a. Adoption of financial accounts 2009 ›The GA is asked to adopt the TERENA Financial Accounts 2009 (FIN(10)003)
Slide TERENA formal matters 6b. Appointment of Auditors for 2010 and 2011 › The GA is asked to appoint the firm of HLB Schippers as auditors for the 2010 and 2011 TERENA accounts
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report 2009 ›Comparison with Activity Plan 2009: ›Main developments: financed by EU through GN3 project, TERENA to work in: ›support to TERENA technical task forces, production of TERENA Compendium, Networking Development support activities ›GN3 workshop at TERENA conference, training workshops, logistics of GN3 Project Management Conventions and Project Symposia ›European-level eduroam ® confederation service, eduGAIN service, eduPKI service ›Activity Leadership of GN3/JRA3 and GN3/NA3 ›Leadership of ‘Partner Services Promotion
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report 2009 ›Comparison with Activity Plan 2009: ›Outreach: › Use printed brochure about TERENA and its activities in combination with information sheets to disseminate information targeted at general and specific audiences limited progress › Publish History Book delayed till February 2010 › Further improve quality and consistency of information on TERENA website limited progress › Publish ‘ TERENA News ’ and ‘ TERENA Features ’ ›Continue monthly TERENA Executive Newsletter ›TERENA staff to participate in national and regional research networking conferences ›Continue series of meetings with TERENA member organisations to discuss their interests, views and expectations of TERENA ›TERENA staff to provide support to and actively participate in TF-PR ›Promote deployment and uptakes of services through Partner Services Promotion task ›TERENA staff to provide support to TF-MSP › Publish 2009 edition of TERENA Compendium of NRENs in Europe delayed till May 2010 ›Networking development support: organise workshops and carry out country needs assessments › Additionally: FEAST study
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report 2009 ›Comparison with Activity Plan 2009: ›Technical Programme: ›Continue TF-CSIRT and TF-Storage ›Continue TF-EMC2 and TF-Mobility with adjusted remits ›Organise a Media workshop ›Additionally: led to creation of TF-Media ›TERENA to lead two NAs and one JRA in FEDERICA project ›TERENA to lead one NA and one JRA in GN3 project › Investigate whether to organise workshop on environmental issues in addition to environmental study within GN3 workshop took place in February 2010 › Support limited number of new small TERENA projects plans developed for TCS Portal Project
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report 2009 ›Comparison with Activity Plan 2009: ›Services: › Continue Trusted Introducer service and investigate how service can be expanded with accreditation service ›Start new TERENA Certificate Service by summer 2009 ›Additionally: personal and code-signing certificates; eScience server and personal certificates; growth of number of participating TERENA members › Continue to maintain the TACAR ® service expansion and upgrade for eduPKI started ›TERENA staff to contribute to eduroam ® confederation-level service as part of the operational team ›TERENA staff to make small contribution to eduGAIN service ›Provide secretariat functions to GLIF
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report 2009 ›Comparison with Activity Plan 2009: ›Conferences and Workshops: ›Organise TERENA Networking Conference 2009 in Malaga, with number of adjacent workshops ›Organise one or two EuroCAMP workshops ›Organise a further workshop on end-to-end issues ›Organise one or two ‘NRENs and Grids’ workshops › Organise two CSIRT training workshops (‘TRANSITS’) only one organised ›Organise a Next-Generation Networking workshop ›Continue to contribute to organisation of GN2/GN3 training workshops › Handle the logistics of GN3 Project Management Conventions and Project Symposium only Project Symposium was requested ›Additionally: Performing Arts Production Workshop; On-demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning Workshop; Quality of Services Workshop
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report 2009 ›Comparison with Activity Plan 2009: ›Membership and liaisons: › Continue liaison with European Commission limited contacts ›Collaborate with DANTE on number of projects and activities › Strengthen TERENA’s links with campus networkers and with users, and with e.g. digital-library community limited progress ›Continue collaboration with TERENA’s counterparts in other continents, bilaterally and through the CCIRN ›Continue liaison with CEENet ›Continue TERENA’s membership of Internet Society
Slide TERENA formal matters 6c. TERENA Annual Report › The GA is asked to approve the TERENA Executive Committee ’ s Annual Report 2009, including the report on the Secretariat
Slide Executive Committee elections Vice President Technical Programme (for a 3-year period) Valid nominations: ›Christoph Graf (nominated by CSC/Funet, seconded by CYNET) ›……… Treasurer (for a 2-year period) Valid nominations: ›Pierre Bruyère (nominated by SWITCH, seconded by RED.ES) Member at Large (for a 3-year period) Valid nominations: ›Alberto Pérez (nominated by CYNET, seconded by GARR) ›………
Slide TERENA Technical Programme ›Report on the meeting of the Technical Advisory Council ›Progress report ›Discussion
Slide Conferences and workshops 9 a. TERENA Networking Conference 2010, Vilnius ›An oral report will be given on the preliminary results from the TERENA Networking Conference 2010
Slide Conferences and workshops 9 b. TNC 2011, Prague, May 2011 Programme Committee: ›Lars Fischer (NORDUnet), chair ›Bartosz Belter (PSNC, PL) ›Serge Droz (SWITCH, CH) ›Bartlomiej Idzikowski (PSNC, PL) ›David Kelsey (RAL, UK) ›Otto Kreiter (DANTE) ›Jiri Navratil (CESNET, CZ) ›Ana Preston (Internet2, US) ›Brook Schofield (TERENA Secretariat) › David Simonsen (WAYF, DK) › Frans Ward (SURFnet, NL) ›Stefan Winter (RESTENA, LU)
Slide TERENA Secretariat matters ›Karel VietschSecretary General ›John DyerBusiness and Technology Strategist ›Valentino CavalliChief Technical Officer ›Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer ›Licia FlorioProject Development Officer ›Péter SzegediProject Development Officer ›Brook SchofieldProject Development Officer ›Dick VisserSenior System Engineer ›Christian GijtenbeekSenior Software Engineer ›Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer ›Laura DurnfordSenior Communications Officer ›Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator ›Gyöngyi HorváthConference and Workshop Organiser ›Carrie SolomonCommunications Officer ›Jim BuddinWorkshop Organiser ›Hanna CheriguiSecretary ›Harriëtte RaaymakersAssistant Bookkeeper
Slide Report on non-technical Task Forces ›Update on TF-CPR ›Presentation on TF-MSP
Slide Liaisons ›A verbal report will be given on any developments in the relations with the organisations that TERENA liaises with
Slide Next meetings ›Luxembourg, October 2010 ›Afternoon and morning ›Hosted by RESTENA ›Prague, May 2011 › Hosted by CESNET, immediately after TERENA Networking Conference 2011
Slide Any Other Business and Close