ANNE MAHER Chief Executive5 May 2004 The Pensions Board Ireland PENSION FUNDS IN IRELAND, FOR EUROPE
2. AGENDA EU Influences on Pensions Pan-European and Cross-Border Pensions Ireland as home for Pan-European or Cross-Border pensions
3. Pensions Directive Tax Co-ordination Joint Commission/Council Report on Adequate and Sustainable Pensions Other Areas of Interest EU INFLUENCES
4. Pensions Directive Came into force on 23 September 2003 EU Member states have 2 years to implement i.e. must implement by 23 September 2005 Key aims ensure protection for pension plan members liberalise investment environment for pension plans in EU remove barriers to cross-border pension plans Differentiates between national pension plans and cross-border plans Provides legal framework for Pan-European pension plans EU INFLUENCES
5. A sponsoring undertaking in one member state (host country) may set up an IORP in another member state (home country) Separate legal entity Meet information to members, funding, diversification and security of assets, freedom of investment requirements of Directive Recognition by home country supervisor Special conditions authorisation of fund in home country fully funded at all times prudential rules: home country of fund social and labour laws: host country of beneficiaries information requirements: host country of beneficiaries Each state may prescribe additional investment constraints relating to its “section” provided such constraints not greater than those imposed on local schemes in that state In practice may require ring fencing of each section’s assets Pensions Directive Framework for Pan-European Pension Plans EU INFLUENCES
6. Tax Co-Ordination European Court of Justice (ECJ) Cases (e.g. Wielockx, Safir, Danner, Skandia) EU Communication of 19 April 2001 The elimination of tax obstacles to the cross-border provision of occupational pensions Current moves to enforce Commission referred Denmark to ECJ in July 2003 Infringement proceedings opened against Italy, Belgium, Spain, France and Portugal in February 2003 Infringement procedures also opened against UK and Ireland in July 2003 EU INFLUENCES
7. EU INFLUENCES Co-ordination reports from all member states in 2002 Joint Report published in March 2003 EU-level analysis of national pension system and ability to face demographic ageing 11 agreed common EU pension objectives Objectives relate to Adequacy Financial Sustainability Responding to changing needs Joint Commission/Council Report on Adequate and Sustainable Pensions
8. Other Areas of Interest Mobility and Portability Equality Atypical Workers EU INFLUENCES
9. PAN-EUROPEAN AND CROSS- BORDER PENSIONS Reasons for Employer Pension Scheme Relocation Single Country Plan Preferred regulatory regime Administrative services Multi Country Plan Governance/Control Manager preferred providers Greater risk control/ALM Smaller number of plans Cost Savings Influence investment strategy Fund managers pooling Tax efficiency Offset DB assets/surplus Service provider economies Centralised administration Corporate Change/Culture M&A activity One company, one culture?
10. What Member States might offer Funds Management Funds Administration Legal Accounting Actuarial Investment Consulting Benefits Administration PAN-EUROPEAN AND CROSS- BORDER PENSIONS
11. What is on offer already Various scheme specific solutions to centralised asset pooling for pension funds UK unit trust exempt from UK taxes Luxembourg’s Fund Communs de Placement (FCP) Ireland’s Common Contractual Fund (CCF) PAN-EUROPEAN AND CROSS- BORDER PENSIONS
12. Ireland’s Common Contractual Fund (CCF) CCF enables multinationals to pool investments in a tax-efficient manner Features of CCF Contractual Structure Unilateral establishment by manager Custodian assumes fiduciary obligations Common Ownership of assets = “Tenancy in Common” No separate Legal Personality Limitation of liability of Investors Established under EU UCITs Directive Regulated by Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority (IFSRA) IRELAND AS HOME FOR PAN-EUROPEAN OR CROSS-BORDER PENSIONS
13. Irish Private Pension Model Company pension plans Personal pensions Retirement Annuity Contracts (RACs) Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) IRELAND AS HOME FOR PAN-EUROPEAN OR CROSS-BORDER PENSIONS
14. Some Features 2 types Defined Benefit Defined Contribution Tax relief on employer and member contributions and on investments Principles of Pension Regulation balance between necessary regulation and unnecessary cost trust based system – role of trustees is key focuses on information disclosure promotion of pensions security securing compliance without recourse to legal proceeding unless necessary. Wide range of competitive providers and products. IRELAND AS HOME FOR PAN-EUROPEAN OR CROSS-BORDER PENSIONS
15. What Ireland has to Offer Established and relatively simple regulatory regime Irish Financial Services Centre (IFSC) Familiarity of Multinationals with doing business in Ireland Established pool of service providers Pensions experience Structural flexibility IRELAND AS HOME FOR PAN-EUROPEAN OR CROSS-BORDER PENSIONS
16. EU Pensions Directive needs to be properly implemented into national law of Member States Protocols need to be agreed for cross-border supervision of pensions Tax co-ordination needs to be enforced by EU Commission IN CONCLUSION
17. It is a time of change for pensions and It is a time of opportunity