General Services Administration SmartPay® Program Update David J. Shea, CPCM, PMP Director, Office of Charge Card Management May 6, VISA Government Forum GSA SmartPay®
GSA SmartPay® Topics & Program Trends Overview Spend & Transaction Trends Training Compliance & Internal Controls Regulatory Changes Innovation Audience Questions 2 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
Spend & Transaction Trends 3 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
FY 2015 YTD Spend & Transactions 4 GSA SmartPay® Transactions using the Travel Card consisted of 43% of total transactions. Transactions Cardholders There are 3.3 Million GSA SmartPay Accounts. Spend There was $ 12.6 Billion dollars in spend across all program lines. *Data as of March Million Total Transactions Purchase Accounts Fleet Accounts Travel Accounts
SmartPay Data Warehouse 5 GSA SmartPay® Seventeen agencies now have access to the Spend, Purchase and Travel Data Marts that consists of program metric dashboards and several reports (FSSI, merchant analysis, convenience checks, etc.). OCCM is continuously developing new dashboards to provide meaningful information to customer agencies. Future dashboards/reports include: Refund Dashboard, Delinquency Data Mart, Data Quality Mart and Fleet Data Mart.
Compliance & Internal Controls 6 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
Initial Government-Wide Metrics OCCM has worked closely with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and SmartPay customer agencies to develop an initial set of program wide metrics: Reports are designed to give agencies visibility into key government- wide performance measures, including amount of disputed charges, occurrences of single merchant spending, and confirmed violations. These initial metrics are designed to evolve over time. Finalized results will be posted on the internal government only online OCCM community within GSA Interact beginning Q3 of FY15. 7 GSA SmartPay®
Agency Metrics Report 8 GSA SmartPay®
Metrics Descriptions Disputed Charges Number of card holder accounts with disputed charges. This metric will be benchmarked based on the average number of disputes within an agency over the past year. Trends in the dates and amounts of a cardholder’s disputed charges provide A/OPCs with potential areas of misuse or fraud on the part of the merchant. Single Merchant Spending Number of accounts that have at least ten transactions and an 80% or greater spending percentage at one merchant. This provides A/OPCs with insight into the analysis of card trends and authorization controls. Confirmed Violations Number of confirmed violations involving misuse a purchase card or integrated card, following the completion of agency or IG review. For each quarter, Agencies report confirmed violations to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB M Memorandum). Data Analytics Tool/Method Used Yes/No; If Yes, Name of Tool. (Brand tools - VISA (Intellilink), MasterCard (EMS), Agency specific tools must be named specifically as well, if applicable. OMB requires agencies to utilize the data analytics tool provided by their bank or brand. These tools help A/OPCs in identifying potential areas of waste, misuse, and abuse. 9 GSA SmartPay®
Training 10 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
SmartPay Training Forum Update There is no venue available in the Washington DC area large enough to accommodate the GSA SmartPay In-Person Training Forum in FY15. The search has been expanded to include dates in early FY16. OCCM will notify agencies of the dates as soon as the information is available to share. 11 GSA SmartPay®
Regulatory Changes 12 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
Proposed Micropurchase Increase On November 25, 2014, the FAR Council published a proposed rule (FAR Case , RIN 9000-AM80) in the Federal Register to increase the micro-purchase threshold from $3,000 to $3,500. The proposed adjustment uses existing statutory authority to adjust procurement thresholds based on economic factors. The comment period closed January 26, This increase only becomes effective if a final rule is issued. 13 GSA SmartPay®
OMB Circular Overhaul OMB is looking to update OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B. OCCM preparing draft revision. Once the draft is complete, OCCM will circulate and convene a working group with interested agencies in order to finalize. Language concerning fleet cards will also be added to the Circular. Intend to issue new version of the Circular by calendar year-end. 14 GSA SmartPay®
Citibank master contract mod is completed. As of March 2015, Citibank has issued 183.1K EMV cards. Citibank US Bank master contract mod expected to be signed within one week. As of March 2015, US Bank has issued 48.3K EMV cards. US Bank Negotiations are in progress. JP Morgan Chase EMV Issuance OCCM is coordinating with the banks to roll out 1 Million EMV/Chip & PIN cards in Calendar Year 2015: 15 GSA SmartPay®
Treasury Financial Manual Announcement (A ) 16 GSA SmartPay® Treasury’s card acquiring service is lowering the maximum per transaction and daily limit agencies may accept for credit card payments. The reduction to $24,999 is set to go into effect on June 1, This limit does not effect purchases from commercial merchants. It only effects payment by credit card to a government organization using Treasury’s card acquiring service.
Innovation 17 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
Category Management Category management guides federal agencies to the right solutions by easily and centrally locating acquisition vehicles, suppliers, past transactions and prices-paid data. Category management efforts focus on the following key areas: Optimizing contract vehicles & managing the landscape Managing data collection and analysis Leveraging supplier relationships Maximizing customer relationships Growing and sharing expertise 18 GSA SmartPay®
Category Management 19 GSA SmartPay® Learn more about Common Acquisition Platform (CAP) and category management: Administrative Support Talent Development IT Hardware IT Software Professional Services Small Package Delivery Cleaning Supplies & Chemicals Tools & Hardware Workplace Environment As a government buyer, you will “walk” down a hallway to find acquisition sources that government-wide category managers have determined would help you procure products and services in that category along with advice, market intelligence, subject expertise and data, category- specific tools and on-demand procurement assistance. Hallways now open:
OCCM continues to conduct market research and gain industry insight for SP3. SmartPay 3 Planning Agency FeedbackIndustry Feedback Market Research Gained Customer agency feedback via a focus group sessions and follow- up survey. Posted RFI and reviewed industry response and hosted one-on-one RFI industry sessions. GSA SmartPay® 20
Audience Questions 21 GSA SmartPay® 2015 VISA Government Forum
Thank you for your time and attention! Contact Information David J. Shea, CPCM, PMP (703) Have you registered for Interact? Interact is the platform that hosts a private community for GSA SmartPay Level 1 A/OPCs. Register at: and send your User ID to 22