Follow these simple steps: Be responsible Make good choices Stay ahead of the work assigned Formulate a plan READY TO MOVE ON TO HIGH SCHOOL??
3 Credits Language Arts 3 Credits Math 3 Credits Science 3 Credits Social Studies Must pass Civics and take the EOC Career and Education Planning Completion of high school planner in order to understand the requirements for graduation from High School. S.B. PROMOTION POLICY
Don’t put yourself in the position that you have to play “catch up” at the end of the school year. Each marking period it is important to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Formulate a plan and don’t let anyone stop you from being successful. Be a leader, not a follower!! BE MOTIVATED, DEDICATED, AND EDUCATED.
Arrive to school and class on time. Come to class with all necessary supplies. Utilize your planner. Keep up with all classwork and homework. Review what you have learned in class even when you don’t have homework. Earn 4 points in each subject: A= 4, B= 3, C= 2, D= 1 Check your progress on Pinnacle often. How do I pass my classes???
The High School Process Matriculation- The procedure we go through to get you from middle school to ninth grade. Assigned school- The high school you will attend based on your address in the school district’s computer records. If this is incorrect you need to bring in proof of address to our registrar. Attending school- The high school other than what you are zoned for due to acceptance to a magnet program, or a reassignment has been granted. Magnet Program- Specialized programs at various high schools. You must apply even if that is your assigned school. Minimum requirements are Level 3 in reading and math, and a 2.0 GPA. Some magnets have higher academic requirements. Applications can be either mailed or completed online at A copy of your report card must be submitted also. December 1 st -February 11 th is when applications are accepted.
The HS Process Continued…. Reassignment- This is for students other than those applying to magnets who are trying to attend a school other then the one they are assigned to. You can get a form online at This must be completed and sent in by your parent. A reason must be given for the reassignment request. Granted requested are not automatic. Registration- Our largest feeder high schools will come out and register you during the spring. The other schools will send me the curriculum guides and course selection forms. I will work with you to complete them. Everyone should have registered for a high school before they leave in June.
Begin investigating career options Become aware of graduation requirements Develop good study habits and time management skills Become involved in your school. Colleges are looking for that well-rounded student. Planning for High School Success
Strive to be as successful as possible in school. Your permanent record begins in ninth grade, and it remains “permanent.” Get to know your school counselor and how the guidance office can help you and your parent(s). Tips for Success
Changes for Middle School Students A COHORT YEAR is the year that you are expected to graduate From High School. You have four years from when you start. The COHORT YEAR is based on your CONTRACT YEAR, which Is the first year you enter ninth grade. HS Graduation Requirements change with a student’s cohort. Algebra 1, Geometry and Biology EOC’s count 30% of your final grade for the course.
Foreign Language Most colleges and universities require 2 years in the same language as a minimum. This applies to state schools within Florida also. Special Academic Areas
Students Entering Grade Nine In 2013 ‐ 2014 School Year What Students and Parents Need to Know What are the options to earn a 24 ‐ credit standard diploma? 4 Credits English Language Arts (ELA) ELA 1, 2, 3, 4 ELA honors, Advanced Placement (AP), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), International Baccalaureate (IB) and dual enrollment courses may satisfy this requirement 4 Credits Mathematics One of which must be Algebra 1 and one of which must be Geometry Industry certification courses that lead to college credit may substitute for up to 2 mathematics credits 3 Credits Science One of which must be Biology 1 and two of which must be in equally rigorous science courses 2 of the 3 required science credits must have a laboratory component Industry certification courses that lead to college credit may substitute for up to 1 science credit 3 Credits Social Studies 1 credit in world history, 1 credit in U.S. history,.5 credit in U.S. government and.5 credit in economics to include financial literacy 1 Credit Fine and Performing Arts, Speech and Debate or Practical Arts the Florida Course Code 1 Credit Physical Education To include the integration of health 8 Elective Credits Note: 2 credits in the same world language are required for admission into state universities 1 Online Course
Use the planner to work out your own individual plan for high school, making sure that you have all the required courses needed for graduation. Constantly review your plan and rework it as necessary. A minimum of 75 service hours are needed for the Bright Futures Scholarship.
Bright Futures Scholarship Program Florida Academic Scholars Award Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award Florida Merit Scholars Award Many other scholarships are available. Get to know the BRACE advisor at your high school. Scholarships
College/University Community/Junior College Technical Military Apprenticeships Now is the time to start planning for your future!! Options After High School