Manteca Unified School District Second Interim Report Jan. 31, 2004 March 9, 2004
Outline CBEDS Revenues Expenditures Governor’s Budget Cash Flow Projections
CBEDS Enrollment 21, ADA
Revenues Total Revenues $132,540,642
EXPENDITURES Total Expenditures $137,390,922
Governor’s Budget Passage of Prop 57 & 58 –Fixes past budget problems and extends the repayment out over future years $5 Billion Current Shortfall remains –Increased Revenue can’t grow fast enough to fix Suspension of Prop 98 –Loss of $2 Billion from Education COLA 1.84% and deficit restoration –Fixes past year but is still short for fixing next year Loss of Corporate Taxes –Recent court ruling against California – results in immediate repayment and ongoing loss of revenue ($800 million and $180 million) Loss of Mandated Cost Repayments for last three years –Yet mandates still exist
Budget Projections
From Here to There and Why Budget Adds –Growth Staffing ($1.2) Woodward Weston Ranch High School –Increased Utilities ($.2 ) Loss of Mandated Costs Repayment ($1.5) Repayment of Attendance Error ($.2) Step and Column Increases ($1.7) Increased Insurance Costs ($.3) –Workers comp –Liability Insurance One Time Budget Fixes 03/04 ($4.8) Reinstatement of One Time Staffing Cuts ($.5) All amounts in millions
Cuts and Adjustments So Far Kindergarten Option 2 Ed Services Reorganization
Other Items Identified JROTC Encroachment*$ 200,000 Grades 1-6 Computer Literacy*+$ 620,000 4 – 8 Music*$1,100,000 Manteca Day Encroachment$ 365,000 Preschool Special Education Encroachment$ 145,000 D. O. Administration Support+$ 70,000 9th Grade Sports$ 90,000 Home to School Transportation ($2 p/day/student)+$ 600,000 Charge for Athletic Transportation ($60 p/child/activity)+$ 174,000 Not reinstate custodial & clerical reductions from 03/04+$ 500,000 Eliminate the Study Skills Program+$ 100,000 Restructure VP’s at schools+$ 200,000 Reduce Ed. Services Lottery Money+$ 300,000 Reduce Projected Custodial Growth+$ 120,000 Increase Student Growth Projections for 04/05+$ 340,000 Energy Savings$ 100,000 Acorn League Charge at Door+$ 10,000 Site Block 5% Reduction+$ 106,000 Increase Facilities Use Fee 5%+$ 1,073 1/2 Time for Vice Elementary Sites*$ 500,000 Deans of Activities/Athletics Teach Four Periods*$ 150,000 Reduce Time Sheeting (to be researched) Reduce Legal Fees by 10 Percent (to be researched) Administrators’ Stipends and Vehicles*$ 129,000 Library Aides at High Schools*+$ 112,000 Postage (to be researched) Restructure Bilingual Aide Formula*+$ 400,000 Non Duty Free Time (except lunch) Yard Duty*+$ 770,000 Restructure Personnel (Confidential)*$ 7,500 Use 1/2 of Reserves as a last resort$2,000,000 + denotes used to balance projections * Requires Negotiations