Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones Author: David A. Adler
Mystery or problem. By Cody. Three dinosaur bones are missing From the ceolyophysis.
Illustration by Nicole Cam Jansen by David A. Adler
Main character:”Cam” Jennifer Jansen. Characteristics: 1. Leader-knows her own mind. 2. Very intelligent- has photographic memory. 3. CAM is like a detective-solves things. 4. Cam was the person who found out that bones were missing. 5.determined-hides in museum. 6. Doesn`t wait for Eric’s opinion. 7. Serious- she doesn`t joke around. 8. Polite and patient- waits for the man to get off the phone. 9. Honest-tells the truth. By Nicole
Clues 1.Milk carton. 2.Janet was too quick to answer cam’s question about the missing bones. 3.Post card. 4.Dog whistles. 5.Milk truck. 6.Plaster of Paris. 7.Woman’s voice. 8.Brown bag.
Other Characters in the Book: Eric Miss Benson Janet Tyler Security guard Museum Director Milkman.
Solution to the mystery They used the dog whistles to distract Janet and the milkman. They ran away and called the museum director, who by this time believed them. Who solved the mystery? Cam solved the mystery