Sorrento 13 th – 18 th July 2014
Getting there..... We will leave School at 03.45am on Sunday 13 th July and travel to NEWCASTLE to board a flight to ROME Travel by coach to Sorrento
The Hotel – Hotel Albatros**** A ‘basic’ 4 star hotel in Piano di Sorrento. We will eat breakfast and evening meals here, but will mostly be out and about.
What will we be doing? We will stop for lunch at Monte Cassino Travel to the hotel and relax We may take a walk to the coast The hotel has confirmed they will provide a television for any who want to watch a football game!!! Day 1 – Arrive at Rome and travel to the hotel.
What will we be doing? Herculaneum was originally discovered when a well was being dug in the early 18th Century at a depth of metres below the modern surface. On the day Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii it destroyed another city, Herculaneum. The ruins of this once prosperous city have been remarkably well preserved Day 2 –Herculaneum and Mount Vesuvius We will visit the excavated ruins of Herculaneum (which was covered in mud after the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79) and take a stroll(!) up Mount Vesuvius
What will we be doing? The trail up to the crater is a wide path of volcanic stones interspersed with some larger rocks that have probably fallen from above! You will see evidence of lava flows and It takes about 30 minutes to get up to the crater. Mount Vesuvius crater This is still classed as an active volcano, with it’s most recent eruption in 1944, however this was minor in comparison to the eruption in AD AD79 Day 2 –Herculaneum and Mount Vesuvius
What will we be doing? Day 3 – Pompeii, Campi Flegrei and Solfatara Pompeii was destroyed and completely buried during a long catastrophic eruption Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The eruption buried Pompeii under 4 to 6 meters of ash and pumice, and it was lost for over 1,500 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1599 Pompeii
What will we be doing? Day 3 – Pompeii, Campi Flegrei and Solfatara Campi Flegrei Solfatara The Pozzuoli Solfatara (sulphurous volcano) is a dormant volcano belonging to the volcanic area of the Campi Flegrei. The area consists approximately 33 hectares and around 40 old volcanoes once believed to be the entrance to the regions of hell. It is best known for the explosions of sulphuric gases, at temperatures well over 160° C The magma chamber is very close to the surface here (around 4.5 km) and still very active!
What will we be doing? Day 4 – Capri We will take the hydrofoil to Capri from the port of Sorrento. We will have a half day guided visit, then time to relax. It is possible that there will be the option of a boat ride here (payable locally).
What will we be doing? Day 5 – Travel home An early start to travel to Rome. From there we will fly to Newcastle, then get a coach back to school for around tea time. Once we know a rough time of arrival back at school, parents will be informed.
How much money do students need? As most food is provided, students don’t need too much spending money. We would recommend a maximum of €60. The sort of things students will need cash for are: – Lunch on the Sunday – Evening bus fare if we go into Sorrento (paid locally) – Souvenirs and snacks (including drinks around the pool) – Possibility of a boat trip from Sorrento (optional) – There may be a charge for air conditioning – optional – WIFI is available in the hotel, but it is not free – ICECREAM !!
Packing There is a suggested list of items in the information booklet. The weather will be hot, so dress appropriately (but not skimpy!). Students will need sturdy shoes for the visits – (sandals will be inappropriate for this) and a rucksack. Plenty of sunblock - at least factor 30 Something to cover up shoulders/ legs in case we go into a religious building Swimwear/ towel / toiletries Maximum 18 KG hold luggage (labelled). Students will need to be able to carry their own bags – so keep them as light as possible. As little hand luggage as possible – no sharps or liquids
Our expectations We are sure you will all have a great experience on this visit, but to make sure this happens we need cooperation: 1. If you have any concerns at all, approach a member of staff as soon as possible 2. Listen carefully to instructions at all times 3. Be aware that you will not be allowed to wander off unless you have permission. (no leaving Hotel without a teacher present) 4. You will be expected to keep an emergency card with you at all times 5. We expect you to act with respect for all staff, each other and for the environments and people you encounter 6. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated, and may mean you miss out on activities, or if severe will be taken home early. Alcohol, smoking and drugs are forbidden. 7. We will expect you all to contribute to a blog about the visit either in Sorrento or on your return
What will happen next...? 1.We need to collect in passports and EHIC cards. Staff will keep these safe throughout the visit 2.Any medication forms need to be handed in with the medication. We are not allowed to administer any medication without permission and this must be prescribed by a doctor. 3.If students require medication to be in their hand luggage, we recommend they have a letter from the doctor just in case we are stopped at the airports. 4.Each student has been given an information booklet – please read this carefully paying particular attention to the packing list. (essential to have good sunscreen, hat, rucksack). Please ensure the hand luggage guidelines are followed. 5.Students will be given emergency contact cards to carry around with them. 6.Any queries after the meeting can be discussed with the staff. 7.Meet at 3.30am on Sunday13 th July! FOLLOW US ON