the South Africa I know - the home I understand 1 World Statistics Day and MDGs Presentation To Parliament Pali Lehohla Statistician-General South Africa 20 October 2010
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 2 Outline 1.Background World Statistics Day 2.Process of the 2010 MDG reporting 3.Progress made on MDGs 4.What is concealed by the MDGs 5.Recommendations for action 6.Conclusion
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 3 Background The General Assembly of the United Nations decided in its 64 th session declared the 20 th of October 2010 the World Statistics Day. The goal of the world statistics day is to promote official statistics in evidence based decision making To mark this momentous occasion Launching MDGs Launching Census 2011
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 4 Process of MDG 2010 reporting Established National Coordinating Committee for governance of the MDGS. Established 7 Sectoral working groups Domesticated indicators through national and provincial workshops Involved civil society organisations
the South Africa I know - the home I understand MDG Report
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 6 T h a n k Y o u
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 7 Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty Proportion of population living below the poverty line has declined Gini coefficient (measure of inequality) remains high Employment to population ratio remained static Access to free basic services by indigents on the increase
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 8 Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education Adjusted Net Enrolment for females has increased from 97.0% in 2002 to 98.8% in 2009 Functional Literacy rate of 15 to 24 year olds increased from 88% in 2002 to 91% in 2009 Completion rate of primary education by those aged 18 has risen from 89.6% in 2002 to 93.8% in 2009 It appears that South African government initiatives of no fees, free transport and feeding schemes in selected schools have benefited poor learners
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 9 Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women There are more girls than boys in both secondary and tertiary education Women share of non-agricultural wage employment remains below half Proportion of seats held by women in the national parliament increased from 25% in 1994 to 44% in 2009
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 10 Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality Infant mortality rate remained stable at 53 (2007) deaths per 1000 live births Under-five mortality rate has risen from 59 (1998) to 104 (2007)per 1000 live births Proportion of 1-year old children immunised against measles has risen from 68.5 (2001) to 98.3 (2009) Life expectancy at birth has dropped
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 11 Goal 5: Improve Maternal Mortality Maternal Mortality rate is high and is increasing Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel increased from 76.6% ( ) in 2001 to 94.3% ( ) in 2009 Use of modern contraceptive methods by sexually active women has increased from 61.2% (1998) to 64% (2003) Antenatal care coverage has increased from 76.6 (2001) to above 100%
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 12 Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases The spread of HIV prevalence in South Africa may have stabilised amongst persons 2 years and older Marked increase in all provinces from 2005 (13.9%) to 2009 (41.6%) in the proportion of people with HIV who had access to ART In % of men had been tested and in 2009 the figure had risen to 31.8%. Amongst women the figure rose from 38% in 2006 to 71.2% in 2009 Death rates associated with TB has risen from 168 per population (2004) to 181 (2007) per
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 13 Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability Number of species threatened with extinction has increased from 676 (1990) to 2458 (2010) Carbon dioxide emissions have increased from Gigagrams in 1994 to Gigagrams in 2007 Proportion of population living in slums have remained static The target for the proportion of population using water from an improved drinking source has been achieved
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 14 Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development GDP per capita has increased from R22758 (2001) to R49134 (2009) Foreign Direct Investment as percentage of GDP has dropped from 8.4% in 2001 to 1.4% in 2009 Gross expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP has risen to just over 0.9% in 2007 There were 86 cellular subscribers per 100 population in 2007 compared to 18.5 per 100 population in 2001
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 15 What is not said by MDGs SA doing well on $1 a day but SA is classified as a middle income country and therefore should be measured as $2 a day MDG realisations need to be tested against lower level criteria such as geography (rural/urban) and sex Quality of services rendered masked by the progress on MDGs such as: o Improved antenatal care coverage and proportion of births attended to by skilled health personnel, yet maternal and child mortality continues to rise; o While SA appears to have achieved universal primary education, the quality of education remains a serious concern While spread of HIV prevalence seems to have stabilised, testing for HIV is done mostly by women. There’s a need therefore to sensitise men around the necessity for HIV testing
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 16 Report to the UN Secretary General South Africa presented the country report to UN South Africa committed to pursue MDG goals South Africa raised concerns regarding meeting MDGs by the developing world Called upon the developed world for support
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 17 Increase domestication of indicators Disaggregate MDG data and other data for international reporting and policy making by sex, rural/urban, age and province Lead strategy development to address weaknesses in civil registration Institutionalise the 2010 MDG process Partner with Civil Society as they constitute formidable delivery capital and vehicles for development and government should invest in them Our commitment
the South Africa I know - the home I understand 18 Conclusions Social policy progressively contributes to achieving a range of MDGs Sustainable employment, education, skills development and service delivery needs to be addressed Implement the cabinet decision that was taken on the 15 th of September 2010 o Using evidence as the basis for decision-making Census 2011 will give us a platform to disaggregate the MDGs to municipal level
the South Africa I know - the home I understand