Source: LAS Referrals Pathway Activity Report NHS Merton CCG Note: the following data is based on incidents (Emergency call resulting in an emergency response arriving at the scene of the incident.) CCG Name Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 YTD Patients Conveyed to ED1,2301,3611,2831,3221,2251,1831,3101,3291,3581,2611,1781,38815,428 Patients Conveyed to Urgent ACP Patients Conveyed to Acute ACP Other Conveyance Total Incidents1,6291,8821,8131,8161,6941,6651,7581,7891,9161,7681,5801,84221,152 Nb = 6,794 LAS: Conveyances
Emergency Department CCG Name Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 YTD % St Georges, Tooting % St Helier % Kingston % Croydon University (Mayday) % St Thomas' % Kings College % Chelsea & Westminster % Charing Cross % Epsom % Princess Royal, Farnborough % Royal London (Whitechapel) % University College % Queen Elizabeth II, Woolwich % North Middlesex % King Georges, Ilford % East Surrey % St Peters, Chertsey % Total Patients Conveyed (to ED)1,2301,3611,2831,3221,2251,1831,3101,3291,3581,2611,1781,38815, % LAS: Conveyances Source: LAS Referrals Pathway Activity Report 14-15
LAS: Conveyances SWL Comparison CCG NameIncidentsConveyedNon conveyed Non conveyed % NHS Croydon CCG % NHS Kingston CCG % NHS Merton CCG % NHS Richmond CCG % NHS Sutton CCG % NHS Wandsworth CCG % Source: LAS Care/Nursing Home Activity CCG NameIncidents NHS Croydon CCG2173 NHS Kingston CCG877 NHS Merton CCG962 NHS Richmond CCG774 NHS Sutton CCG1000 NHS Wandsworth CCG1004 This data looks at the SWL sector as a whole for Incidents relating to Care/Nursing homes.
LAS: Conveyances Source: LAS Care/Nursing Home Activity
LAS Incidents to Care / Nursing home locations by Chief complaint for NHS Merton CCG by month NHS Merton CCG Chief ComplaintApr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15 Health Care Professional Admission Protocol Falls Breathing problems Sick Person (Specific Diagnosis) _unknown Unconscious/Fainting (Near) Chest Pain (Non-Traumatic) Convulsions/Fitting Haemorrhage/Lacerations Stroke (CVA) LAS: Conveyances Merton Only Source: LAS Care/Nursing Home Activity
ccgnameLocationConveyed Non conveyed NHS Merton CCGWoodlands House14510 NHS Merton CCGKew House10418 NHS Merton CCGEltandia Hall Care Centre8217 NHS Merton CCGLink House7612 NHS Merton CCGThe Cumberland674 NHS Merton CCGFieldway Nursing and Residential Centre596 NHS Merton CCGHeathland Court Care Centre566 NHS Merton CCGCarter House348 NHS Merton CCGManor House283 NHS Merton CCGArthur House254 NHS Merton CCGWimbledon Beaumont205 NHS Merton CCGPelham House185 NHS Merton CCGKeychange Charity Alexander House Care Home202 NHS Merton CCGBarons Lodge119 NHS Merton CCGQueens Court131 NHS Merton CCGAbbey House - Morden73 NHS Merton CCGKelstone Court Nursing Home100 LAS: Conveyances Source: LAS Care/Nursing Home Activity
NHS Merton CCG Total Location Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Total Woodlands House Kew House Eltandia Hall Care Centre Link House The Cumberland Fieldway Nursing and Residential Centre Heathland Court Care Centre Carter House Manor House Arthur House Wimbledon Beaumont Pelham House Keychange Charity Alexander House Care Home Barons Lodge Queens Court Abbey House - Morden Kelstone Court Nursing Home LAS: Conveyances (Care/Nursing Home Activity) Source: LAS Care/Nursing Home Activity