Division of Lifelong Learning
Source: Learning on Demand-Online Education in the United States, 2009; E. Allen & J. SeamanLearning on Demand-Online Education in the United States, 2009; E. Allen & J. Seaman
One in Four Students Source: Learning on Demand-Online Education in the United States, 2009; E. Allen & J. SeamanLearning on Demand-Online Education in the United States, 2009; E. Allen & J. Seaman
Key Trends Credentialing and Certifying Anywhere/Anytime Access Decentralized IT Services Multi-discipline Approaches Source: EduCause EduCause
Who are our students? Total Number Enrolled = 2,845 Credit Hours Enrolled = 16,878 Average Male Age = 27.2 yrs. Average Female Age = 27.5 yrs. Average Female is both Working & Raising 1 or More Children Average Male is Working and Raising a Family Average Internet Student Would not be able to Continue Their Education without Distance Learning
Distance Only Students: Spring 2010 Total Distance Only Students = 880 Percent of All Distance Students = 31% Percent of Distance Credit Hours = 46% Average Number of Credit Hours = 9 Average Age of Male = 30.1 yrs. Average Female = 30.5 yrs.
Compared Increase of Spring 2009 & Spring 2010 ( Accents-Feb. 19, 2010 ) Total Institutional Spring Increase in New Students % increase Increase in Distance Only Students 8010% increase Percent of Total Increase from Distance Learning 24% Total Institutional Increase in Credit Hours % increase Increase in Distance Learning Credit Hours % Increase Percent of Total Increase from Distance Learning 51%
From where do they come? 31 different states 356 out of state students (most are distance only) 21 students reside outside the United States
Master Teacher Model
Goals and Objectives of Distance Education Introduction, Implementation of the Master Teacher Model (MTM) to serve larger number of students 2010 analyze existing status of distance learning Plan adjustments for allowance of increased students Submit MTM compensation model Select pilot project Evaluate pilot project – utilizing both home grown and imported shells Implement MTM to convert five courses per semester
Goals and Objectives cont. Increase accountability and uniformity in internet courses New contractual agreement Mutual shared intellectual property Training component Participation and approval of department heads – site reviews
Goals and Objectives cont. Accountability in Master Teacher model Compulsory training of master teachers Required guidelines for adjunct teachers Mandatory training for adjunct teachers MT oversight contract and accountability report Increased implementation of best practices Training in best practices for all distance teachers Uniformity in course management shell
Goals and Objectives cont. Accountability in DVD and Streaming Server offerings Training – video and course Student evaluation Production evaluations
Concerns Pricing: How much increase in Distance Learning fees? Survey shows data of impact beyond $10 Increased book cost to maintain current editions Military market International market (Amazon) Out of state charges Currently we can compete out of state Corporate arrangements that involve out of state students would collapse
Concerns – Keeping an Edge Staff training Travel Networking Upgrading technical/instructional design knowledge Adequate budget Equipment Software Training
Campus Culture Concerns Acceptance of new compensation policy Acceptance of increased use of adjunct instructors Acceptance of mandatory training Acceptance of some standardization related to best practices
Marketing Concerns Pricing Defining market target segments Advertising Budget Branding Delivery systems COMPETITION COMPETITION COMPETITION
Why We Can Compete Complete under-graduate programs Business Criminal Justice Environmental Health Four-year Nursing Pricing Experienced, quality faculty 25 years of experienced distance learning delivery
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