Unit 8 3 Windy weather Episode 1 C Listening and speaking: Windy days The natural world Module
Look and say Match and say Look and learn Look and match Listen and say Think and say Look and write Piggy bank PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C
What can you see Kitty doing in the picture? Look and say PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see Kitty swimming in the picture. 本环节两张幻灯片,用于先操练课文里即将出现的结构 see…doing…
PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C What can you see Ben and Kitty doing in the picture? I can see them sitting in the sun at the beach in the picture. Jill and her motherJoe and his sisterBen and Kitty
Match and say PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C windy snowy cloudy rainy sunny snowyrainy cloudywindy 本环节两张幻灯片,用于掌握描述天气的形容 词。依次点击鼠标图片下出现相对应的形容词。
PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny today. 本页让学生操练讨论天气的问答句型。
Look and learn PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C a gentle wind / / a strong wind a typhoon / / 本页用于学习课文三种刮风天。
Look and match PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C A gentle wind: pictures ___ & ___ A strong wind: pictures ___ & ___ A typhoon: pictures ___ & ___ 看图配对。
1 2 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C Listen and say Miss Guo is asking Kitty some questions about different kinds of windy weather. Kitty is going to help her make a display board. / / 2-1 本环节两张幻灯片,用于完成 55 页听说话题: 各种有风的天气你会看到什么。先让学生熟练 朗读对话。
2-2 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C What can you see when there is a gentle wind? I can see people flying kites in the park. 1 2
PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C Think and say I can see people holding their raincoats tightly when there is a typhoon. S2: What can you see when there is a typhoon? S1: people/hold/ raincoats/tightly / / / / / / 在上一步的基础上完成接下来七张图 片的问答练习。其中应着重讲解副词 的用法。依次点击鼠标出现每一副图 片对应的对话的答案。其中第七张幻 灯片是让学生进行整合练习。
7-2 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see _________________ _____________________ when there is a _______________. S2: What can you see when there is a ______________? S1: leaves/blow/ slightly/parks / / gentle wind leaves blowling slightly in parks gentle wind
7-3 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see _________________ _____________________ when there is a _______________. S2: What can you see when there is a ______________? S1: flags/fly/sky gentle wind flags flying in the sky gentle wind
7-4 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see _________________ _____________________ when there is a _______________. S2: What can you see when there is a ______________? S1: people/take/ flower pots/flats / / typhoon people taking flower pots into their flats typhoon / /
7-5 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see _________________ _____________________ when there is a _______________. S2: What can you see when there is a ______________? S1: clouds/move/ quickly / / strong wind clouds moving quickly strong wind / /
7-6 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see _________________ _____________________ when there is a _______________. S2: What can you see when there is a ______________? S1: people/windsurf/sea / / strong wind people windsurfing on the sea strong wind
7-7 PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C S1: What can you see when there is a _____? S2: We can see … when there is a _____
Look and write PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C Windy weather We can see leaves blowing slightly in park when there is a gentle wind. We can see clouds moving quickly when there is a strong wind. We can see people taking flowers pots into their flats when there is a typhoon. 本环节两张幻灯片,用于引导学生写作操练 when 引导 的句型。依次点击鼠标图片下出现相应的语句。
PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C Windy weather We can see flags flying in the sky when there is a gentle wind. We can see people windsurfing on the sea when there is a strong wind. We can see people holding their raincoats tightly when there is a typhoon.
Gold mine Think and say Find and write PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C
Think and say PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see … when there’s a gentle wind 本环节三张幻灯片,让学生回忆课文中 三种有风的天气分别会看到什么现象。 程度好的学生也可自由发挥回答。
PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see … when there’s a strong wind
PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C I can see … when there’s a typhoon
Find and write PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE C With your classmates, collect pictures of different kinds of windy weather from newspapers or magazines. Write sentences about your pictures. 本环节可用于课后练习。 可让学生合作寻找关于 各种刮风天的图片,再 用所学句型描述图片。
Consolidation Workbook 6B, pages 48 and 51. *Work in groups of four. Each one should about the things you can see in a certain season. Make a big book for each group.