Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) Salem ahmed Fady ehab 30/4/2015
2 Outline Purpose Types Performance Characteristics Applications
3 Purpose To convert digital values to analog voltages Performs inverse operation of the Analog-to- Digital Converter (ADC) DAC Digital ValueAnalog Voltage Reference Voltage
4 DACs Types Binary Weighted Resistor R-2R Ladder Multiplier DAC The reference voltage is constant and is set by the manufacturer. Non-Multiplier DAC The reference voltage can be changed during operation. Characteristics Comprised of switches, op-amps, and resistors Provides resistance inversely proportion to significance of bit
5 Binary Weighted Resistor R f = R 8R4R2RR VoVo -V REF LSB MSB
6 Binary Representation R f = R 8R4R2RR VoVo -V REF Least Significant Bit Most Significant Bit
7 Binary Representation -V REF Least Significant Bit Most Significant Bit CLEAREDSET ( ) 2 = ( 15 ) 10
8 Binary Weighted Resistor R f = R 8R4R2RR VoVo -V REF LSB MSB “Weighted Resistors” based on bit Reduces current by a factor of 2 for each bit
9 Binary Weighted Resistor Result: B i = Value of Bit i
10 Binary Weighted Resistor More Generally: B i = Value of Bit i n = Number of Bits
Binary Weighted Resistor The voltage-mode binary-weighted resistor DAC shown is usually the simplest textbook example of a DAC. However, this DAC is not inherently monotonic and is actually quite hard to manufacture successfully at high resolutions. In addition, the output impedance of the voltage-mode binary DAC changes with the input code. 11
Binary Weighted Resistor (read only ) The theory is simple but the practical problems of manufacturing an IC of an economical size with current or resistor ratios of even 128:1 for an 8-bit DAC are significant, especially as they must have matched temperature coefficients. If the MSB current is slightly low in value, it will be less than the sum of all the other bit currents, and the DAC will not be monotonic (the differential non- linearity of most types of DACs is worst at major bit transitions). This architecture is virtually never used on its own in integrated circuit DACs, although, again, 3- or 4-bit versions have been used as components in more complex structures. 12
Binary Weighted Resistor 13
Binary Weighted Resistor (read only ) 14 The problem with a DAC using capacitors is that leakage causes it to lose its accuracy within a few milliseconds of being set. This may make capacitive DACs unsuitable for general purpose DAC applications
Problem 1 : A certain binary- weighted-input DAC has a binary input of If a HIGH = +3.0 V and a LOW = 0 V, what is V out ? 15
16 R-2R Ladder V REF MSB LSB
17 R-2R Ladder Same input switch setup as Binary Weighted Resistor DAC All bits pass through resistance of 2R V REF MSB LSB
18 R-2R Ladder The less significant the bit, the more resistors the signal must pass through before reaching the op-amp The current is divided by a factor of 2 at each node LSBMSB
19 R-2R Ladder The current is divided by a factor of 2 at each node Analysis for current from (001) 2 shown below V REF R RR R2R Op-Amp input “Ground” B0B0 B1B1 B2B2
20 R-2R Ladder Result: B i = Value of Bit i RfRf
21 R-2R Ladder If R f = 6R, V OUT is same as Binary Weighted: B i = Value of Bit i
22 V REF R RRR 2R Op-Amp input “Ground” B0B0 B2B2 V REF R-2R Ladder Example: Input = (101) 2 V REF = 10 V R = 2 Ω R f = 2R
23 Pros & Cons Binary WeightedR-2R Pros Easily understood Only 2 resistor values Easier implementation Easier to manufacture Faster response time Cons Limited to ~ 8 bits Large # of resistors Susceptible to noise Expensive Greater Error More confusing analysis
24 Digital to Analog Converters Performance Specifications Common Applications
25 Performance Specifications Digital to Analog Converters - Performance Specifications Resolution Reference Voltages Settling Time Linearity Speed Errors
26 Resolution: is the amount of variance in output voltage for every change of the LSB in the digital input. How closely can we approximate the desired output signal(Higher Res. = finer detail=smaller Voltage divisions) A common DAC has a bit Resolution -Resolution Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Resolution N = Number of bits
27 -Resolution Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Resolution Better Resolution(3 bit) Poor Resolution(1 bit) V out Desired Analog signal Approximate output 2 Volt. Levels Digital Input V out Desired Analog signal Approximate output 8 Volt. Levels
28 Reference Voltage: A specified voltage used to determine how each digital input will be assigned to each voltage division. Types: Non-multiplier: internal, fixed, and defined by manufacturer Multiplier: external, variable, user specified Reference Voltage Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Reference Voltage
29 Reference Voltage Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Reference Voltage Assume 2 bit DAC Non-Multiplier: (V ref = C) Digital Input Multiplier: (V ref = Asin(wt)) 0 Voltage Voltage Digital Input
30 Settling Time: The time required for the input signal voltage to settle to the expected output voltage(within +/- V LSB ). Any change in the input state will not be reflected in the output state immediately. There is a time lag, between the two events. -Settling Time Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Settling Time
31 -Settling Time Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Settling Time Analog Output Voltage Expected Voltage +V LSB -V LSB Settling time Time
32 Linearity: is the difference between the desired analog output and the actual output over the full range of expected values. Ideally, a DAC should produce a linear relationship between a digital input and the analog output, this is not always the case. -Linearity Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Linearity
33 -Linearity Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Linearity Linearity(Ideal Case) Digital Input Perfect Agreement Desired/Approximate Output Analog Output Voltage NON-Linearity(Real World) Analog Output Voltage Digital Input Desired Output Miss-alignment Approximate output
34 Speed: Rate of conversion of a single digital input to its analog equivalent Conversion Rate Depends on clock speed of input signal Depends on settling time of converter Speed Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Speed
35 Non-linearity Differential Integral Gain Offset Non-monotonicity -Errors Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Errors
36 Differential Non-Linearity: Difference in voltage step size from the previous DAC output (Ideally All DLN’s = 1 V LSB ) -Errors: Differential Non-Linearity Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Errors: Differential Non-Linearity Digital Input Ideal Output Analog Output Voltage V LSB 2V LSB Diff. Non-Linearity = 2V LSB
37 Integral Non-Linearity: Deviation of the actual DAC output from the ideal (Ideally all INL’s = 0) -Errors: Integral Non-Linearity Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Errors: Integral Non-Linearity Digital Input Ideal Output 1V LSB Int. Non-Linearity = 1V LSB Analog Output Voltage
38 Gain Error: Difference in slope of the ideal curve and the actual DAC output -Errors: Gain Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Errors: Gain High Gain Error: Actual slope greater than ideal Low Gain Error: Actual slope less than ideal Digital Input Desired/Ideal Output Analog Output Voltage Low Gain High Gain
39 Offset Error: A constant voltage difference between the ideal DAC output and the actual. The voltage axis intercept of the DAC output curve is different than the ideal. -Errors: Offset Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Errors: Offset Digital Input Desired/Ideal Output Output Voltage Positive Offset Negative Offset
40 Non-Monotonic: A decrease in output voltage with an increase in the digital input -Errors: Non-Monotonicity Digital to Analog Converters -Performance Specifications -Errors: Non-Monotonicity Analog Output Voltage Digital Input Desired Output Monotonic Non-Monotonic
41 Generic use Circuit Components Digital Audio Function Generators/Oscilloscopes Motor Controllers Common Applications Digital to Analog Converters - Common Applications
42 Used when a continuous analog signal is required. Signal from DAC can be smoothed by a Low pass filter -Generic Digital to Analog Converters -Common Applications -Generic 0 bit n th bit n bit DAC Digital Input Filter Piece-wise Continuous Output Analog Continuous Output
43 Voltage controlled Amplifier digital input, External Reference Voltage as control Digitally operated attenuator External Reference Voltage as input, digital control Programmable Filters Digitally controlled cutoff frequencies -Circuit Components Digital to Analog Converters -Common Applications -Circuit Components
44 CD Players MP3 Players Digital Telephone/Answering Machines -Digital Audio Digital to Analog Converters -Common Applications -Digital Audio
45 -Function Generators Digital to Analog Converters -Common Applications -Function Generators Digital Oscilloscopes Digital Input Analog Ouput Signal Generators Sine wave generation Square wave generation Triangle wave generation Random noise generation
46 Cruise Control Valve Control Motor Control -Motor Controllers Digital to Analog Converters -Common Applications -Motor Controllers
47 References Cogdell, J.R. Foundations of Electrical Engineering. 2 nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, “Simplified DAC/ADC Lecture Notes,” ~fmeral/ELECTRONICS II/ElectronicII.html “Digital-Analog Conversion,” Barton, Kim, and Neel. “Digital to Analog Converters.” Lecture, March 21, Chacko, Deliou, Holst, “ME6465 DAC Lecture” Lecture, 10/ 23/2003, Lee, Jeelani, Beckwith, “Digital to Analog Converter” Lecture, Spring 2004,