1 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Running SRB Ananta Manandhar
2 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Pre Install Tasks Create SRB admin Group #groupadd demo Create SRB user #useradd –d /home/srbdemo –m –g demo srbdemo #passwd srbdemo
3 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Download Tasks Download SRB (current latest ver patch1+patch2 ) Download PGP decryption software (Intl. version) Download and install Java Use PGP to decrypt SRB tar file #pgp SRB2_1_2_n_patch.tar Enter passpharse
4 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Configuring Database Download PostgreSQL Download ODBC Driver (for versions later than 7.3) ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/odbc/versions/src/psqlodbc tar.gz
5 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Installing SRB using install.pl script This script enables a basic installation of Postgres enabled SRB. Configures postgres Builds Postgres, Postgres-ODBC & SRB Initializes the Database Ingests MCAT tables Updates configuration Files Provides access to local disk space as an SRB resource
6 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Installing SRB using install.pl script 2 Copy PostgreSql, Postgre-ODBC, SRB tar and install.pl to a new directory # cp install.pl /srb # cp postgresql tar.gz /srb # cp psqlodbc tar.gz /srb # cp SRB2_1_2_n_patch.tar /srb Edit first few lines of install.pl. This script will then install each package under this current directory as well as the storage area. This script can then be used to start/stop postgres and SRB servers and to view the list of running processes
7 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Editing install.pl The Variables in install.pl are matched accordingly $SRB_FILE="SRB2.1.2.tar"; $SRB_FILE_ALREADY_DECRYPTED=1; $SRB_DIR="SRB2"; $POSTGRES_FILE="postgresql tar"; $ODBC_FILE="psqlodbc tar"; $DB_NAME="MCAT"; $YOUR_ADMIN_NAME="srbdemo"; $YOUR_ADMIN_PW=“srb"; $YOUR_DOMAIN=“allhands"; $RESOURCE_NAME=“allhandsResource"; $RESOURCE_DIR="$startDir/Vault"; $IP_ADDRESS_LOCALHOST=“ ";
8 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Starting installation To Start installation # /srbusr/srb/install.pl Some minor issues with the script and its workaround It requires postgresql tar file as postgresql tar without the letters ‘base’ as it expects installation dir name to be same as tar file name. Some source files expect java to be located at /usr/local/apps/jdk1.4.1/bin – Hence softlinks may need to be created Keep the Srb Admin name same as unix account eg srbusr
9 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre SRB Deployment Scenario User SRB Vault SRB Vault SRB Vault SRB Vault MCAT SRB Domain
10 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Starting SRB To Start SRB Use the install.pl to start SRB, MCAT and Postgres database./install.pl start To Stop SRB./install.pl stop To View SRB processes./install.pl ps
11 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Using InQ InQ is a client windows application used to store and retrieve files from SRB. It can be downloaded from InQ requires certain parameters to know the MCAT enabled server to which it should connect. Name: srbdemo Host: solitaire.esc.rl.ac.uk Domain:allhands Port: 5544 Authorization: ENCRYPT1 Password: ***
12 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre InQ Login
13 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre InQ (SRB Windows Client)
14 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Administering SRB To Start GUI Admin Tool # cd $install/MCAT/java # gmake run
15 AHM -2-4 Sept 2003 e-Science Centre Questions ?