Parent Partnership Homework Consultation: October 2015
Homework Consultation Purpose of Homework Quantity and Frequency ‘MUSIC’ principle Support and development for students In-school provision Rewards/Sanctions Processes
Purpose, Quantity and Frequency Purpose – 3 categories to be outlined to students, defined by teachers and noted clearly in planners: P = Preparation – getting ready for next lesson, speeding up progress through work done in advance C = Consolidation – securing what was learnt today – ensuring we can move on next time E = Extension – going further than what we did in class – stretching and challenging beyond the classroom Frequency and Quantity – clear outline from all subjects for each year group as to expectations
‘MUSIC’ principle Every piece of homework must be: M arked U sed S tored I ntegral C elebrated
Support and in-school provision Targeted homework clubs in every year group, especially for Pupil Premium students and coaching groups Collation of subject-specific support on offer in all subjects publically displayed and used
Rewards/Sanctions Aim to support classroom teachers and have a clear, simple system that everyone can understand Report run every Wednesday identifying any student who does not submit homework on time in the preceding week (without exception) SMS/letter sent to parents 1 hour Friday night SLT detention for all students in this category to complete their homework; Reward points for all who do Beginning in Year 11 in Autumn Term, rolled out to whole school in Spring Term as part of the basic expectations of an Emmanuel student
Parental Feedback 1 PREPARATION/CONSOLIDATION/EXTENSION Are these categories helpful? What else would help you support your child in completing work, and understanding purpose of it? Are there other categories? QUANTITY AND FREQUENCY What are the time implications of homework for planning ‘family life’? How could the school support with this most clearly? What support could we provide you in relation to course expectations/content – e.g. an overview of GCSE programme so as to understand relevance of a particular task etc.?
Parental Feedback 2 ‘MUSIC’ PRINCIPLE (Marked, Used, Stored, Integral, Celebrated) Is this helpful to you as parents? Would you value seeing homework/marked books at parents’ evening? Are there other things that you think are important as principles to take on board generally? SUPPORT/IN-SCHOOL PROVISION What kind of facilities/provision would you find helpful as parents – homework clubs/briefings on controlled assessments etc.? What kind of facilities do you think are important for students to do homework effectively at home? (IT access, quiet space, desk, stationary etc.)
Parental Feedback 3 REWARDS/SANCTIONS What kind of rewards would help your children engage in homework fully? – positive phone calls home, reward points, prizes/actual rewards etc… Are there any barriers to success in relation to the simplicity of the SLT detention each week? How could these barriers be overcome? How could the impact of this sanction be tracked, monitored and celebrated?
Parent Partnership Homework Consultation: October 2015
Parent Partnership How do we support and develop our new staff? CPD at NES
Staff with strong fulfilling professional relationships. A genuine sense of agency. A culture of learning and self- improvement across T&L, leadership and within teams. Outstanding Teaching and Learning Provision Excellent student outcomes and provision in all areas of school life. Why is this important to us? to LEARN TOGETHER to GROW to SERVE TOGETHER
NQT Programme weekly 1 hr sessions Facilitated by a wide range of staff input,observe, coach/create mentors observations MLCPD Programme Weekly 1 hour sessions Bespoke provision Competence and character Additional twilights for aspirant and existing leaders Peer Coaching Coaching training Pairing of staff to support and challenge Termly meetings Bespoke T&L Coaching Team of 8 coaches Pure coaching, mentoring, in-class development and JPD Responds to need Staff Buddies All new staff are allocated a current staff meeting Pastoral and out-of- team support INSET Programme High quality Internal facilitation Responds to SIP Modelling effective T&L Also, Chaplaincy events, socials with governors, C.P., coaching observations etc. What does it look like?
Staff supporting staff What does it actually look like?
Middle Leader Focus Peer Coaching
Clearly linked to School priorities Mr Skinner clearly needs help!
Thanks for listening! Any questions? Any offers of support, challenge or input welcomed! Please see me at the end or me