Your Choice, Your Voice Richard Downing Community Engagement Manager Leicestershire County Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Your Choice, Your Voice Richard Downing Community Engagement Manager Leicestershire County Council

Your Choice, Your Voice Leicestershire Together has made £20,000 available to each of Charnwood’s 7 Area Forums for allocation through a Participatory Process Money has to be spent by March 2011 Participatory Process agreed through Charnwood Together

Your Choice, Your Voice - Process 1)Charnwood Together set priorities Improving opportunities for children and young people Supporting vulnerable adults Creating a cleaner, greener and safer environment 1)Workshop – Generating & sharing ideas & putting them in order of priority 23 project ideas put forward 9 projects put to final vote 2)Priority ideas developed further into robust projects – co-ordinated by Task Group 3)Feedback from Task Group to Area Forum on how funding can be allocated in line with the workshop priorities 4)Charnwood Together agrees allocation of funding, in line with the recommendation by the Area Forum

Your Choice, Your voice

Workshop feedback Do you agree with the following statement? a)I really enjoyed today’s workshop and I am glad I attended? 97% AGREED0% Disagreed b)I felt I had plenty of opportunity to share my ideas today 94% AGREED0% Disagreed c)I felt the way projects were prioritised was fair and inclusive? 78% AGREED3% Disagreed

Your Choice, Your Voice Task Group – Role: Work with project groups to ensure that priority projects are -APPROPRIATE - in line with the 3 priorities for the area - not duplicating, value for money -FEASIBLE -Can project be delivered by March SUSTAINABLE -Does project provide real solution with longer term benefit -Will project lead to problems further down the line

Your Choice, Your Voice After the workshops … Priority Projects Other Project Ideas Project Development TASK GROUP co-ordinates Forum Recommends allocation LSP Decides allocation Signposting Ideas are circulated to various funders, advisors and relevant officers to identify further opportunities for funding & support

Project updates Hastings Heritage Trail - Referred to the “Heritage Wardens” Scheme and will be followed up through them; Also working closely with Bell Foundry, Great Central Railway, Mike Jones and are putting a bid together for the Heritage Lottery Fund. Community Sports Leadership Scheme will be followed through via the County Sports Partnership CIYA Internet Café have secured alternative funding and are working more closely with Moira Centre on certain projects

Your Choice, Your Voice What are we doing today? Report from the Task Group on progress with the Priority Projects identified at the workshop Task Group has made recommendations on how best to allocate the Forum’s budget in line with the results of the workshop With Forum’s endorsement these recommendations will be passed to Charnwood Together for formal decision making

RankProject titleAmount requestedProposed Share of budget Recommendation 1Sidings Park Community Hall The proposal is to provide funding (£7,500) to help Sidings Park Residents Association to meet Consultancy and architects fees, and apply for charitable status, as the first step down the line of achieving funding for a new Community Hall, much needed in this part of town. There is partnership support including some finance and in kind support already put in by Charnwood Borough Council. There is an acknowledgement that there is a lack of usable community space in this part of Loughborough East. The proposal for a new Community Hall would also allow for engagement with other agencies including Health, Police etc. £7,500The Task Group recommends the Forum support this project idea with an allocation of £7,500 2Shelthorpe Community Garden Shelthorpe Community Gardening scheme to be delivered through G&S CIC which will loan out tools and “labour” to people who have difficulty in maintaining their own gardens. Initially in Shelthorpe but to expand later. Possible synergy with Chapman Street Project…also possible duplication Up to £5,000 The Task Group recommends the Forum support this project idea with an allocation of up to £5,000 depending on what funding has already been received, and to ensure value for money 4Chapman Street Garden Project To provide tools and equipment to help a newly formed gardening group in Chapman Street to improve the local environment £2,000Further work needed Commit Up to £2,000 for specified items of equipment assuming no duplication 4 Shelthorpe Informal Play and Recreation Area Between Farnham Road and Beaumont Road, there is a fenced in play area for younger children, recently refurbished (2006 ish). Information from the community is that young people and older children use this as a place to hang around and this puts off parents from allowing their younger children to play there. If the site is re- developed and equipment installed for young people it is hoped that this would stop them from hanging around on the play area. £5,500Further work needed Commit funding until 30 / 06 / 10 whilst investigative work continues and whilst accurate qoutes can be sought. If this proves unfeasible money to be ringfenced for young people TOTAL AMOUNT UP TO £20,000£20,000This will use up all of the Forum budget

Your Choice, Your Voice Updates at the next Area Forum & on the Community Forum Website