PS-1 The EMECW its implementation and perspectives Joachim Fronia, Head of Unit EACEA P4
2 The EM External Cooperation Team
3 Management of the EMECW Outcomes and implementation of the mobility scheme academic year Future development for the academic year
4 Outcomes and implementation: the EMECW in a glance EM ECW is a new co-operation and mobility scheme in the area of higher education co-operation launched by Europe Aid cooperation Office and implemented by the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture EM ECW is complementary to other higher education initiatives: Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus, Tempus, Asia-Link, ALFA, Alban, and Edu-link. EM ECW is designed to foster co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third-Countries through a co-operation and mobility scheme addressing students and academic staff.
5 Outcomes and implementation: objectives The EMECW is an initative which contributes: a)to promote cooperation in the field of higher education between EU and third-countries b) to improve transparency and mutual recognition of studies and qualifications c) to enhance the EU and third countries academic staff and students capacities and employability
6 Outcomes and implementation: Main features of the programme -The partnership activities for the organisation of mobility and the transfer of know-how and best practices -The implementation of individual mobility for students and academic staff
7 Outcomes and implementation: Call for proposals for the Academic Year Funding of 36,4€ million 22 EU countries + 23 third-countries participate 87 applications received 9 selected partnerships projects Participation of 167 HEIs: - 79 from European Countries - 88 from Third Countries Mobility of over students and academic staff
8 Outcomes and implementation: Results on mobility Planned mobility for the academic year 2007/2008 in 2006 Call: 1315 individuals Total mobility forecast by the selected projects: individuals (138%) Incoming mobility : 1456 individuals (80%) Outgoing mobility: 359 individuals (20%)
9 Outcomes and implementation: Results by regions HEI’s involvement: 167 (79 EU + 88 Third countries) Neighbourhood (ENP) Mediterranean countries HEI’s: 54 Europe HEI’s: 79 Middle-East (DCI) HEI’s: 20 Neighbourhood (ENP) East-Europe + Russia HEI’s: 58 Central Asia (DCI) HEI’s: 35
10 Outcomes and implementation: Results by regions Total mobility: (1.456 Incoming outgoing) Europe Mob: 359 Middle-East (DCI) Mob: 110 Neighbourhood (ENP) East-Europe + Russia Mob: 652 Central Asia (DCI) Mob: 145 Neighbourhood (ENP) Mediterranean countries Mob: 549
11 Outcomes and implementation: Results by regions Total mobility: (1.456 Incoming outgoing) HEI’s involvement: 167 (79 EU + 88 Third countries) Neighbourhood (ENP) Mediterranean countries Mob: HEI’s: 54 Europe Mob: HEI’s: 79 Middle-East (DCI) Mob: HEI’s: 20 Neighbourhood (ENP) East-Europe + Russia Mob: HEI’s: 58 Central Asia (DCI) Mob: HEI’s: 35
12 Outcomes and implementation: incoming mobility Non European students mobility flows per lot and country (estimated figures)
13 Outcomes and implementation: type of mobility
14 Outcomes and implementation: Duration of the mobility All mobility to start in starting the academic year 2007/08: -Mobility until academic year 2008/2009 (max 24 months) : -4 partnerships (lots: 1, 5, 6 and 8) -Mobility until academic year 2010/2011 (max 42 months) : -5 partnerships (lots: 2,3,4,7 and 9)
15 Outcomes and implementation: institutional cooperation Total involvement : 167 HEIs 79 From 22 EU Countries and 88 from 23 Third Countries
16 Outcomes and implementation Implementation of: -a sound and efficient management by delivering a quality service to our partners and beneficiaries -an intensified cooperation and dialogue with YOU, the EC services including EC Delegations and third country authorities -an efficient monitoring system for the programme and projects -Database for mobility -On-spot monitoring -Report analysis -Annual conference
17 Outcomes and implementation Implementation of : - communication, promotional and networking activities -web site -leaflet in 5 EU languages (DE, EN, ES, FR and PO) + 3 non-EU languages(Russian, Arab and Chinese) -Partnership project compendium
18 Outcomes and implementation: Communication tools
19 Future development Enlarged geographical coverage for the mobility flow 2008/2009: Group A – existing windows Central & Eastern Europe (+ Russia) Middle East Region (Yemen, Iran, Iraq) Central Asia Group B – new windows African Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Western Balkans region Asia region: Asia Regional and India Latin America region: Brazil, Chile and Mexico
20 Future development : mobility and budget EUR 100,3 M mobility mobility EUR 36,4 M
21 Future development: new elements -New priorities according to the country/regional geographical needs -New distribution between types of education according to the country/regional needs
22 Future developement : renewal of existing partnerships for academic year 2008/09 Priority to existing partnerships - Under the condition: - that all contractual and reporting obligations are fulfilled by the partnership - that their performance is considered in line with the programme - that a new submission is made
23 Future development: Key elements for the success of the EMECW programme Institutional cooperation : the higher education institutions - YOU Academic cooperation to promote the mutual recognition of qualifications and diplomas Raising capacities and employability of European and Third country students and academics
24 Conclusions -New scheme/new type of co-operation -1st Call shows a success in terms of Higher Education Institution and students participation -Now it is up to all actors involved to turn the initiative into a success through an efficient implementation
25 EMECW Open to the World THANK YOU
26 For more information EuropeAid website EACEA website: functional mail-box: