Jordan’s ICT Sector Vision – Focus - Excellence Michael Wakileh CEO ProgressSoft Corporation
Values - Jordan The right investment climate Visionary Leadership and Entrepreneurs. Attractive Investment Climate. Gateway to 300 Millions. Exports to the gulf, USA and Europe. Solid legislations.
Values - Jordanians Youth, well-educated and talented HC Well-educated and talented Human Capital. Region’s Brain Pool. Solid Reputation.
Facts HM’s REACH initiative. 30% growth rate 10% of the GDP. WTO in 2000, FTA with the US. Euro Partnership Agrmt. FTAs with Arab countries. Cisco and Microsoft.
Achievements and Targets
Communication Liberal Telecom Sector. Two international gateways. Reliable fixed lines. Advanced ISP Market. ADSL and FTTX 4 Mobile & 5 WiMAX operators.
Excellence Regional centers for IT Conglomerates. Penetration to US and European markets. Outsourced Software and Professional Services to Top IT leaders. Jordan Telecom staff serves the region.
Excellence Jordanian IT sector delivers outstanding products and services to over 50 countries: A2A, Arab Academy for MS Technologies CCS, Eastnets, Eskadenia, Info2Cell, IrisGuard, ITG, JAID, Maktoob, Menhaj, Optimiza, Primus, ProgressSoft, Rubicon, SEDCO, STS and TechnoSys.
Opportunities Jordan Education Initiative ( Jordan as a Gateway to the Gulf. Portugal as a Gateway to Europe and Latin America. Outsourcing SW Development, Professional Services and Call Centers.
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