Students with Learning Disabilities Educational Services
Selection of Special Education Services Least Restrictive Environment –IEP committee –Continuum of services –On-going evaluation to determine appropriateness
Educational Service Provisions and Related Practices The General Education Class –Special materials and consultation –Itinerant services –Resource room assistance The Part- and Full-Time Special Class The Special School Reintegration of Students
From Mainstreaming to Inclusion Regular Education Initiative –Dual system of general and special education not necessary The Inclusion Movement –The inclusion position –The continuum of alternative placements position
Inclusion vs. Continuum of Alternative Placements Rationale Inclusive setting morally right— segregation-like setting against what law has decided as just Reduces ill-effects of labeling Efficacy of separation not supported by research Increases collaboration Students with different abilities placed together create appreciation for differences Separate placements sometimes needed due to intensive needs of students Continuum mandated by law and fought for by families for years General education teachers not prepared to work with students with disabilities No clear evidence that inclusion is appropriate for all Appreciation of differences occurs in society without forced inclusion
Research on Inclusion vs. Continuum of Alternative Placements Efficacy of inclusion Research on mainstreaming Attitudes of general and special educators Attitudes of students Efficacy of special classes and resource rooms
Program Factors Promoting Successful Inclusion Teachers Teaching Teachers Strategies for increasing consultation time Collaborative consultation Teacher assistance teams Coaching Peer collaboration Cooperative teaching Communication skills for collaboration
Program Factors continued The Learning Disabilities Teacher –Consultation Students Teaching Students –Peer tutoring –Cooperative learning Limited Teacher-Engagement Instruction