CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Brown Trout In-Line Headphone Amplifier Team Casey Hughes Jeff Sharp Jim Bosak Advisor Dr. Inan, Dr. Albright Industry Representative Mr. Howard Voorheis, John Fluke Mfg. (ret)
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Block Diagram Milestones Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Brown Trout
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones Table 2. Key Brown Trout milestones. NumberDescriptionOriginal 11/25/03 Previous 11/25/03 Present 11/25/03 1Product Pre-Approval9/05/03 2Functional Spec 1.010/3/0310/6/03 2Plan Approval11/7/03 3Hand Design 4Software Simulation 5Design Release12/5/03 6Obtain Parts 7Test Parts 8Main Board 9Battery Interface 10Amplifier Interface 11TOP’s Approval2/13/04 12Amplifier Layout 13Device Housing 14Prototype Completion 15Prototype Release4/9/04 16Test/Debug 17Design Demonstration 18Founder’s Day4/13/04 19Final Report4/23/04 20Post Mortem4/30/04
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Accomplishments Functional Spec 1.0 Approval Website Up and Running
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans For November Project Plan 0.9 Project Plan Approval Meeting –Plan 1.0 AC and DC Analysis Spice Simulations Order Parts
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2003 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues Amplifier Matching Common Gain Control Matched Components Sound Quality