Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring A Presentation for Western Regional Gas Conference By Paul Lucco
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring What is out there?What do I need?Cost? Solutions?Applications? Operate?Buy? Conclusions - Outline
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Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Geo Satellite
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring OrbComm low earth orbit satellite
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Equipment Cost CommunicationApplicationPower Source Upgrades
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Communications Cost Type Frequency 1 or 2 Data Cost = Zero
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Integrity Applications RectifiersCritical BondsTest PointsCompressorPipe to SoilMeasurementSecurityContact Closure
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Integrity DC VoltsDC AmpsCritical ShuntsGPS InterruptersSurvey AssistRect. AC PresentInstant OFF’sInterrupter work
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Take the bull by the horns!!!!
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Rectifier monitoring with GPS interruption
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Tank farm Rectifier
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Compressor Station
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Critical Bond
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Test Points
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Perfect for areas where costly equipment is stored Saved $70,000 in one night !!! Intruder Alarm
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Smart measurement applications
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring Thank you Questions? Paul Lucco American Innovations Cell
Meeting integrity challenges with remote monitoring