Alexis Jackson, Kyra Oselka, and Shaquana Phillips
Theodore Chubb, Jacob Holmes, Connor Payne, Bradley Penrod, Teare Russell, Tabitha Walker, Tyler Bohle, Kiersten Johnson, Casey Neulieb, Edward Owens, Austin Salat, and Angelica Shelton
No athletic eventsNo athletic events
Boys and Girls Track and Field HSR TrialsBoys and Girls Track and Field HSR Trials
Thought For The Day “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” -Wayne Dyer
Algebra ECA Help There will be Algebra ECA help every Tuesday from 2:15-3:30 in A207.
English ECA Help Are you a junior or senior that needs help with the English ECA? We will be meeting on Tuesdays after school in Mrs. Fitch’s room for a review session. Stop by and sign up. Pave your way, pass the ECA.
Attention Seniors The LaPorte County Association of Realtors Education Award is now available in the Guidance Office or on the MCHS Guidance website. To qualify for this award, the student must be involved as a volunteer in at least one non-profit organization. Applications are due April 1, 2012.
Attention Seniors The MCHS Soccer Scholarship application is available in the Guidance Office. Applications are due to the Guidance Office by April 13, Recipients will be recognized at the Spring Sports Awards in May.
Spring Fling Dance The Student Council is sponsoring a Spring Fling Dance on Friday, March 16. The dance will be held from :30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. The dress will be casual. You must have your school I.D. to enter, and admission will be $5.00. Anyone who is on social probation will NOT be able to attend. The dance will also feature a NEW, young and hip DJ! Come out and celebrate the coming of warm weather and good days, and meet your friends on the dance floor.
Attention Seniors This is a reminder that the FAFSA Deadline is March 10. Go to to complete your application for Financial Aid.
Wolf Pack Marching Band Colorguard Tryouts Tryouts will take place on Saturday, March 10 th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Barker Middle School Gym. To be eligible, girls and boys must be entering grades 8-12 for the school year and have a GPA of 1.5 or higher. Please wear workout clothes and tennis shoes. Hair must be pulled back away from face and ALL piercings must be removed before you get to the tryout site. All applicants MUST pick up a tryout form from the main office and have the form completed entirely and brought with you the day of tryouts. Any questions Call Coach Trisha at (219) or
Attention Seniors The Patch Harborside Heritage Organiztion is offering two $500 scholarships to any Seniors planning on attending college in the fall. Application forms can be picked up in the Guidance Office or you may contact Mr. Edwards in the Athletic Office for more information. Deadline for Scholarship will be April 27, The Exchangette Scholarship is also available. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by April 5.
Dual Credit If you are a sophomore or junior planning to take dual credit courses next school year, you and your parents are invited to attend the Spring Dual Credit Transition Night at PNC, Thursday, March 15 from p.m. in the Library Student Faculty Building, Room 02
Part-Time Jobs The City of Michigan City is currently taking applications for many part-time summer jobs. Information is available in the Guidance Office.
Summer Programs The University of Chicago is offering summer programs for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors through its Summer Session programs for high school students. Earn college credit while studying Biological Sciences, Geology, Ancient Egyptian Language, Traveling Academy, Weather, American Law, Collegiate Writing, Business, Psychology, and Creative Writing. Go to for more information.
Boys Golf For all boys interested in playing golf, the first official practice is March 12 th at 3 p.m. at the Michigan City Municipal South Golf Course. Bring your own clubs.
Coolspring School Scholarship The Coolspring School Scholarship is now available in the Guidance Office. This scholarship is open to any senior who attended Coolspring School at least 3 years, graduated form there, and has future plans to attend a college, university, technical or trade school. Applications are due by Monday, April 16.
Attention ALL Students Signed Up for Online Credit Recovery Whether you are a senior OR underclassman, your credit recovery classes MUST be completed by May 15 th. The system will be disabled after this date.
Talent Show Can you dance? Can you sing? Can you act? Tell a joke, plan an instrument, or even juggle? Well, here’s your time to shine. That’s right MCHS, a talent show! All acts have to be approved, so the sign up dates will be during all three lunch periods on March 13 th, 14 th, and 15 th. The participant standards for this show is for all grades 9 through 12, as long as you are in good standing with the school. Auditions will be on March 22 nd, after school from 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. The official time to shine will be held on Friday, April 20 th. This is a great opportunity to involve our student body in a fun, yet safe event. So come out, and show us what you got!
Talent Show (continued) There will be a $ cash prize for the first place winner, and a $50.00 cash prize for the second place winner. Information packets are available in rooms N107, A145, and you can also pick one up in the front office. If you plan on auditioning, please make sure you get a packet. It’s time to show this city what talent we’ve got!
Attention Student Council The Lunch Sign-Up Committee members for the Talent Show will have a mandatory meeting today in Mrs. Rivich’s room N107, to discuss the assigned positions for each lunch hour. This meeting will be very important and very brief. If you have any questions or are unsure if you signed up for the committee, please see Olyvia Dunn or Kayana Pryor.
Attention Student Council Attention Student Council members who signed up for the Promotion Committee. There will be a meeting Tuesday, March 13 th, after school in Mrs. Rivich’s room. This meeting is mandatory. If you are unsure of whether or not you signed up for this committee, please contact Mitchell or Olyvia.
Spring Musical Auditions for MCHS’s Spring Musical Production, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”, to be presented May 4 th, 5 th, and 6 th, will be held on Tuesday, March 13 th. Monologue and Vocal auditions beginning at 2:30. All monologues should be 2 minutes or less. If you have done a monologue in the past, and can remember it, you do not have to come up with a new one (unless you really want to go to all that work) There will be an audition workshop at 2:30 Friday for about an hour in the theatre. We hope to see a great turnout, it’s a great show and will be a lot of fun.
Science Olympiad “B” Team Please report to the media center for a team photo Friday morning before school at 7:10 a.m. Please wear your team shirt for this photo.
Winter Sports Awards Winter Sports Awards is on March 15 th at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium.