HINESBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL FY ‘17 Budget Meeting November 30, 2015 Hosted by Hinesburg School Board
AGENDA HCS Instructional Program Enrollment/Class Size Decision Packet Conversation Questions
CORE CURRICULUM Reading Writing Mathematics Science Social Studies Music Art Physical Education World Languages Health Core Curriculum is supported by Library / Media & Technology
SUPPORTS TO ACADEMIC PROGRAM Special Education Literacy Intervention Math Intervention EEE Program Positive Behavior Supports Summer Programming Guidance Department School Psychologist School Social Worker Student Assistance Professional (SAP) Mentoring Behavior Interventionists
ENRICHMENT AND EXTRA-CURRICULARS Athletics Soccer, Cross Country Running, Basketball, Baseball, Softball Clubs Student Council, Spelling teams, Math Counts, Geobee, VKAT, Yearbook Imagine Afterschool Enrichment Activities School musicals, Band, Chorus
HCS K-8 ENROLLMENT Enrollment data as of 11/20/15 School YearEnrollmentYearly Change 2007/ / % 2009/ % 2010/ % 2011/ % 2012/ % 2013/ % 2014/ % 2015/ %
Enrollment data as of 11/20/15 HCS K-8 ENROLLMENT/CLASS SIZE GRADE2015/16 HCS Enrollment 2015/16 HCS Class Size Proposed 16/17 K5518 (3 Teachers)54 – 18 (3) 1 ST 4916 (3)55 – 18 (3) 2 ND 6817 (4)49 – 16 (3) 3 RD 5217 (3) (4) 4 TH 6221 (3)52 – 17 (3) 5 TH 6321 (3)62 – 21 (3) 6 TH 4724 (2)63 – 21 (3) 7/8 TH (5)102 – 26 (4)