Welcome to Ruth Moyer Elementary
Opened in 1930 under the name Central School and was soon renamed Ruth Moyer Elementary after its first principalOpened in 1930 under the name Central School and was soon renamed Ruth Moyer Elementary after its first principal We currently have:We currently have: 530 students in grades Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade 36 teachers Nine teacher assistants One counselor Two secretaries Three custodians And one principal About our School
Ruth Moyer Elementary has been recognized as one of Kentucky’s Top 20 performing elementary schools in the state.Ruth Moyer Elementary has been recognized as one of Kentucky’s Top 20 performing elementary schools in the state. Ruth Moyer has been in the Top Three performing schools in Northern Kentucky since 2002.Ruth Moyer has been in the Top Three performing schools in Northern Kentucky since Ruth Moyer has been recognized as a Pacesetter school by the state of Kentucky.Ruth Moyer has been recognized as a Pacesetter school by the state of Kentucky Blue Ribbon School2009 Blue Ribbon School Excellence in Education
Visit our curriculum on line at:Visit our curriculum on line at: We use programs such as: Journeys Reading Journeys Reading Everyday Math Everyday Math Social Studies Alive Social Studies Alive Harcourt Science Harcourt Science Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Junior Great Books Junior Great Books Successmaker by Digital Pearson Learning Successmaker by Digital Pearson Learning Six Traits of Writing Six Traits of Writing Programs
All visitors must sign in and out of the office.All visitors must sign in and out of the office. Anyone attending a field must have an approved background check to chaperone.Anyone attending a field must have an approved background check to chaperone. Parent Volunteer Opportunities:Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Room Parent Room Parent Picture Person Picture Person Junior Achievement Junior Achievement Santa House Volunteer Santa House Volunteer Everybody Counts Everybody Counts COSI COSI And much more! And much more! Parent Volunteers
School Hours School starts at 8:15 AM and dismisses at 3:00 PM.School starts at 8:15 AM and dismisses at 3:00 PM. ½ day Kindergarten is 8:15 AM-11:20AM and 11:55AM-3:00PM½ day Kindergarten is 8:15 AM-11:20AM and 11:55AM-3:00PM Building opens at 8:00 AM Café at 7:30Building opens at 8:00 AM Café at 7:30 Office hours are 8:00 AM- 4:00 PMOffice hours are 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM 1 st week drop off1 st week drop off
Regular and prompt attendance is essential to your child’s success.Regular and prompt attendance is essential to your child’s success. All students returning from an absence must bring a note to their homeroom teacher indicating the reason for the absence.All students returning from an absence must bring a note to their homeroom teacher indicating the reason for the absence. If your child is out for something other than an illness, this should be cleared with the office prior to the absence.If your child is out for something other than an illness, this should be cleared with the office prior to the absence. Please call to report an illnessPlease call to report an illness Attendance
Our cafeteria uses a computerized accounting system, and we highly encourage all parents to pre-pay for their child’s lunch. To do this, simply send in a check for any amount to the “Moyer Cafeteria.”Our cafeteria uses a computerized accounting system, and we highly encourage all parents to pre-pay for their child’s lunch. To do this, simply send in a check for any amount to the “Moyer Cafeteria.” Lunch menus will be sent home with students, or you can check out our websiteLunch menus will be sent home with students, or you can check out our website Please volunteer in the café! A sign up sheet is posted in the cafeteria. Cafeteria
Many clubs and organizations are found here at Moyer. Some examples are:Many clubs and organizations are found here at Moyer. Some examples are: Chess Club Chess Club YMCA After-School Program YMCA After-School Program Girls on the Run Girls on the Run Show and Select Choir Show and Select Choir STLP Club STLP Club After School Tutoring After School Tutoring Studio Art Studio Art And many more! And many more! Clubs and Organizations
Our Parent Teacher Organization is very involved in our school.Our Parent Teacher Organization is very involved in our school. Our PTO provides communication between school and home, organizes and funds projects, and provides “peoplepower” to many of our school programs.Our PTO provides communication between school and home, organizes and funds projects, and provides “peoplepower” to many of our school programs. Our PTO has helped fund Picture Person, Summer Library Programs, Camp Joy, COSI, Everybody Counts, Red Ribbon Week, Successmaker, Smartboards, Junior Great Books, and a wide variety of classroom instructional materials!Our PTO has helped fund Picture Person, Summer Library Programs, Camp Joy, COSI, Everybody Counts, Red Ribbon Week, Successmaker, Smartboards, Junior Great Books, and a wide variety of classroom instructional materials! Here is a link for PTO information:Here is a link for PTO information: Don’t forget about our primary fundraiser for the year… Santa House! PTO
We know that by working together, we will all have a great year! Have a Great Year!