INTRODUCTION Innovation is nowadays the main factor for productivity and competitiveness improvement within enterprises Competitive advantages rest on factors of an intangible nature -information, knowledge, quality of human resources,...- The process of knowledge generation and exchange takes place on a territorial, sectoral and entrepreneurial level.
INCREASING LEADING ROLE OF ITs Knowledge and Learning reveal as central axis which determine innovation and economic growth ITs allow to develop new and quicker ways of communication and information access and interchange between agents (firms and support organisations) ITs become essential tools in Territorial Development Strategies
Above all In large-sized regions where the huge geographical extent generates peripheral areas Consequences: INCREASING LEADING ROLE OF ITs Difficult access Depopulation Insufficient critical mass Absence of innovation support services Difficult access Depopulation Insufficient critical mass Absence of innovation support services
Telematic allows to establish virtual networks between innovation support suppliers and firms Establishment of virtual networks INCREASING LEADING ROLE OF NICTS facilitate communication and information access facilitate information interchange “bring nearer” the isolated areas create critical mass facilitate management eliminate the administrative aspects that diminish efficiency and effectiveness of joint actions allow to promote innovation in the whole territory facilitate communication and information access facilitate information interchange “bring nearer” the isolated areas create critical mass facilitate management eliminate the administrative aspects that diminish efficiency and effectiveness of joint actions allow to promote innovation in the whole territory
In peripheral areas, to ensure the dynamic performance of the virtual network it is necessary to carry out a previous work of mobilisation and animation The reason In less dynamic and peripheral areas some habits and uses “undermine” the reliance between agents, and hinder the emergence of cooperation relationship And Personal relations secure progress in, speed up processes and feedback the network. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PERSONAL NETWORK AS SUPPORT OF THE VIRTUAL NETWORK
To set up the personal network which will support the virtual one is necessary to launch a pro-active and interactive policy which animates firms to innovate and intermediary organisations to extend their services to the whole territory BOTH GIVE RISE TO A ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PERSONAL NETWORK AS SUPPORT OF THE VIRTUAL NETWORK VIRTUAL NETWORK & PERSONAL NETWORK VIRTUAL NETWORK & PERSONAL NETWORK SPIDER KNOWLEDGE REGION SPIDER KNOWLEDGE REGION
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT To design and implement a Network of Innovation Support Intermediary Organisations. To carry out a set of actions to promote innovation demand in Castilla y León. INNORED PRACTICAL CASES
THE NETWORK OF INTERMEDIARY ORGANISATIONS IN CASTILLA Y LEON CREATION OF THE PERSONAL NETWORK: STEPS Definition of the Network Model. Mobilisation and animation: intermediary organisations Consensus (54 intermediary organisations interviewed). Justification of the pilot area: Avila, Zamora, Salamanca Constitution of the pilot co-ordination committee Awareness raising and communication actions: enterprises Postal questionnaire to 278 firms. Innovation diagnosis to 22 firms Working meetings of the Pilot Co-ordination Committee to present results and decide about possible pilot actions Pilot actions
MARKETMARKET ENTERPRISES POLES NETWORKS ASSOCIATIONS ETC ADDED VALUE ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES FOR SMEs Innovation awareness and promotion Innovation and continuous improvement support Cooperation promotion Technology Transfer Pre-competitive activities related to research results transfer Business Creation Human resources training and qualification Innovation financing support services Business creation support Organisations Coordination Committee ADE Coordination Committee ADE Knowledge Transfer Organisations Technical Secretariat Innovation and continuous improvement support Organisations Technology Transfer Organisations Innovation awareness and promotion and cooperation Organisations Innovations support services and financial entities INNOREDINNORED
PERSONAL TOOLS Audits and actions plans in concrete firms. in relation to product and process on the possibilities offered by ITs Working days. to present the innovation and technology offer to show the possibilities offered by the Foreign Trade on Innovation Taxation Working groups on concrete demands of enterprises for managers which included individual tutoring VIRTUAL TOOL. An interactive web for INNORED THE NETWORK OF INTERMEDIARY ORGANISATIONS IN CASTILLA Y LEON ACTIONS TO PROMOTE INNOVATION
LEGITE Excellence and the Generalisation of Innovation in Companies in Castilla y León OBJETIVES AND MAIN ACTIONS To generalise the networks of co-operation resulting from RIS+, and to extend business innovation support services throughout the region. To create a critical mass of local innovation players to be linked into a network, INNORED and INTENEC. To promote the active participation and co-operation of the players involved in the regional innovation system, as a mechanism for achieving a system of excellence. To use the existing potential to articulate an 'excellence' technological pole facilitating the development of innovative economic activities in leisure, knowledge and culture.
Main actions and tools Setting-up of the information expert system on innovation Creation of the territorial network-advisers within each Chamber of Commerce involved in the pilot scheme. Training to coordinators, innovation advisers and consultants Supporting enterprises Information Innovation managing system assisted self-testing Fulfilment of technological diagnostics and innovation plans PILOT SCHEME SUPPORTING INNOVATION INNOTEM PILOT SCHEME SUPPORTING INNOVATION INNOTEM
SME´s needs for innovation INFORMATIONKNOWLEDGELEARNNING PROCESS Subprogram for technology innovation advisers Operative Tools for launching SME´s innovation processes INFORMATION EXPERT SYSTEM ON INNOVATION ADVISERS TERRITORIAL NETWORK ASSISTED SELF- TESTING Technological diagnosis + Innovation plan Technological diagnosis + Innovation plan INNOVATION WITHIN ENTERPRISES OBJECTIVE To provide information and encourage innovation within SME´s OBJECTIVE To provide information and encourage innovation within SME´s OBJECTIVE To initiate innovation processes within enterprises on the basis of diagnosis and planification OBJECTIVE To initiate innovation processes within enterprises on the basis of diagnosis and planification ANIMATION PILOT SCHEME SUPPORTING INNOVATION INNOTEM PILOT SCHEME SUPPORTING INNOVATION INNOTEM
OBJECTIVE To start up new innovative firms in the Information Society AGENTS The Spanish Technology Parks Network The Spanish Business Incubators Centres Network ARTICULATION OF THE NETWORK FIELDS OF ACTITIVITY National Cooperation, promotion and network services to firms and entrepreneurs Local and regional: Binomial work plan INFOBUSINESS ONE NETWORK Integration of cultures ONE NETWORK Integration of cultures
ARTICULATION OF THE NETWORK STEPS 1. Identification of firms and detection of opportunities in the Information Society 2. Forums among firms, entrepreneurs and socio-economic agents of the INFOBUSINESS network 3. Entrepreneurial development and advise for starting up INFOBUSINESS
ARTICULATION OF THE NETWORK NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL TOOLS Steering Committee Monitoring Three-month meetings of the whole network Interchange information obtained at local and regional level Monthly binomial meetings The Technology Park---Business Incubator Centre relationship VIRTUAL TOOL Information telematic system INFOBUSINESS