SCEE Monthly Webinar July 10, 2012 Implementing Evaluation Pilots
Webinar Logistics Everyone is muted Use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question You may chat privately with individuals on your team If you have problems, you may send Naz Rajput a message via the chat function or an at 2
Where are you in the process of designing an evaluation system pilot? a)Just getting started – working on design b)Design in place – ready to launch pilot c)Piloting started — no data gathered yet d)Piloting well underway — data being gathered e)At least one pilot done – data has been gathered and analyzed f)Not involved in piloting at this time g)Other
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Participants Rebecca Garland Jennifer Preston Jean Williams 5
Considerations When Designing and Implementing Pilots See document in the webinar module for today on the SCEE site (also in the “Pilot” subfolder in the file cabinet)documentwebinar moduleSCEE site“Pilot” subfolder Define what you actually are doing (Clarity on terminology) Carefully craft the purpose of pilots—and align research questions should align with the purposes and processes 6
Considerations When Designing and Implementing Pilots Design Variables Leadership and Support How will findings from the pilots (formative and summative) be used and communicated? Post-pilot debrief and evaluation Tips on working with external subcontractors 7
Specific Considerations for Evaluation System Pilots Context matters Diverse purposes, research questions, and processes Pay attention to the experiences of districts How can states share information about their pilot processes and findings from their pilots? 8
Lessons Learned by the North Carolina DPI Rebecca Garland Jennifer Preston Jean Williams 9
Would you like to share info on pilots with/get info from SCEE members? a)Yes, information about the different purposes of pilots b)Yes, information about the different processes for piloting c)Yes, information about results from pilots d)Yes, some other aspect of piloting e)No, not a focus at this time
Food for Thought How can states use resources like CCSSO’s State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE) to share lessons learned and findings from pilots of your evaluation systems? 12
Using the Chat Find the Chat in the bottom right side of your screen. To make the Chat appear larger on your screen, click on the triangle next to the Participants list to minimize it. Questions and comments sent to All Participants are visible to everyone. To offer an anonymous question or comment privately, click on Circe Stumbo’s name in the list of Chat recipients or her at For technical assistance find Naz Rajput in the Chat box or him at 17
Questions and Answers 18
Thank you 19