Fast Track to Innovation Pilot
Fast Track to Innovation Pilot 3 Call deadlines: 28 th April/1 st Sept/1 st Dec 2015 Type of Action: Innovation Action (70%) Budget: 1-3 million H2020 Pillar: FTI pilot must relate to any field under ‘Societal challenges’ or ‘LEIT’ pillar.
Fast Track to Innovation Pilot Only bottom up measure in H2020 promoting close-to-market innovation activities – Aims to reduce the time from idea to market – Increase industry participation and first time industry applicants – Nurture trans-disciplinary and cross-sector approaches – Must be business driven and demonstrate potential for quick deployment and market up- take
Eligibility Criteria 1.Max. of 5 and min. of 3 legal entities can participate in a project. All legal entities must be established in EU Member States or Associated Countries. 2.Proposals must include a business plan 3.If proposal involves technological innovation the TRL level must be at least 6
Eligibility Criteria 4.At least one of the following conditions must be met: – Either at least 60% of overall budget must be allocated from industry or – The minimum number of industry participants must be 2 in a consortium of 3 or 3 in a consortium of 5 partners
Evaluation Criteria Proposals must achieve the threshold for each of the three criterion of Impact, Excellence and Implementation The prioritorisation of evaluation is based in the following order; 1.Impact (threshold 4) 2.Involvement of SME’s 3.First-time industry participants 4.Gender balance
Contact Details For further information please contact the SSPC funding team: Abigail Pattenden Aisling Arthur Orla Kelly Irish NCP for Fast Track Innovation Pilot