PlusDelta Panelist -- dynamic, great, like the variety of speakers, good delivery, experienced, related to audience Focus on “what is known, not what is up in the air” APPR, good review of new information, valuable, clear, APPR %-what are the rules we play by? Good information on APPRNeed more on APPR and rubrics Good group discussion, table talk, sharing with other districts, collaboration, A little more hands on work, more table talk, more interaction among groups, more role play Video lessons were effectiveIt is important to model practice Liked the humor More concrete information Help build consistency among administrators More information on data portion
2 ExemplarGrade Level Content AreaStandardsTime Straw Man Outline for an Intense Engagement 7Addition and subtraction of rational numbers 7.NS.1, 7.NS.3 15 days Monk’s Words We Live By MSAmerican History - Constitution RI , 5, & 6; W , 4 & 9) 2 days Gettysburg Address HSAmerican History – Civil War RI ; RI , SL ; and L days The Making of a Scientist MSELARI & 8; W.5.2, 4 & 9; SL.5.1; L days
1. Teaching Standards 2. Evidence-based observation techniques grounded in research 3. Application & use of student growth percentile model & VA model (30-2.2) 4. Application & use of the State-approved teacher or principal rubric(s) 5. Application & use of any assessment tools 6. Application & use of State approved locally selected measures 7. Use of the Statewide Instructional Reporting System 8. Methodology of how scores are generated/composite scores 9. Considerations for evaluating ELLs & SWDs 3
LevelState Assessments Local Measures Other 60 PtsOverall Composite Score Ineffective0-2 Score range locally determined 0-64 Developing Effective Highly Effective Number ranges to be negotiated according to the Appeal.