28 th March 2014 Publishing staffing information: The Imperial approach Janice Sigsworth – Director of Nursing
Five Hospitals on four sites 1200 beds 3,500-4,000 Nursing and Midwifery staff Publishing staffing information: –Phase 1: 52 inpatient ward areas –Phase 2: Other areas Overview of Imperial
Boards implemented in inpatient ward areas Ward Level 6/2 4/1 6/2 4/1
Ward Level
‘Harm free care’ report for past 3 years Board Level
Monthly and Six Monthly report When? –May 2014 What information will we take? –Combined report to cover all requirements –Outputs from establishment reviews –Total hours worked as a percentage above/below roster –Safety thermometer, FFTp, FFTs, band 2-6 vacancies, sickness, bank and agency, complaints, SIs, MRSA/C.diff) –Exceptions and actions What level of granularity will we take? –Trust level –Divisional level –Ward level Board level
Monthly: Trust and Divisional level information Draft Board report
To inform 6 monthly report Establishment review tracker
Upgrade e-roster to V10 (w/c 01/04) Pilot ‘safe-care’ acuity module (04/04) Pilot mobile matron app (May) Next steps
Present staffing levels to Trust Board (May) Publish information on website (May) Represent information in graphical format Consider month on month trend (cause and effect) Health foundation research and international research Post-implementation evaluation Next steps