Jose A. Pineda, MD MSCI Thomas B. Rice, MD Sheila Hanson, MD
Regardless of the primary diagnosis, neurological outcome has the largest impact on quality of life
Neurological Diagnosis and Pediatric Intensive Care 3X use of Intensive Care and account for 50% of deaths In the ICU: 3X mortality, significantly longer LOS, higher median cost
VPS TBI Mortality Pineda et al, 2013
- 91 children urgently admitted to the ICU for resuscitation - 1 mo abnormal adaptive behavior functioning - Also abnormal functional outcome and poor quality of life Ebrahim et al, 2013
Sites included in the PILOT data collection Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin St. Louis Children’s Hospital
PILOT study includes all cases closed in Q4 Data Collectors collected as many cases as possible from February 12 – March 4
Total Discharges: Number of cases discharged in 2014-Q4 Total Eligible Cases: Number of cases that met NCC inclusion criteria Cases Collected in PILOT: Number of cases with NCC collected during PILOT period
Demographic Data
25% (n=26) of the cases in the PILOT had a head trauma 80.1% (n=21) of the head trauma cases had an ISS score Min: 8 Median: 26 Average: Max: 50 Trauma Information
Pineda et al, 2013
Trauma Information (cont.) 11.5% (n=3) of the head trauma cases had CPR during pre-hospital care 19.2% (n=5) of the head trauma cases had a clinical seizure documented during pre-hospital care 42.3% (n=11) of the head trauma cases needed supplemental oxygen provided by EMS during pre-hospital care
ICU Discharge Data (n=104)
Preliminary Data Collection Times (n=104)
Data Entry Forms
Trauma Information
Pre-Hospital Care
ED Care
ED Care (continued)
Non Accidental Trauma
ICU Data
ICU Data - Daily
ICU Data – Daily (Continued)
ICU Discharge
NCC Diagnosis Inclusion Criteria
NCC Diagnosis Inclusion Criteria (continued)
Conclusions Pilot data in the NCC module confirms this is a great opportunity Consider participating: good return on investment Need to initiate hypothesis driven projects as soon as possible
Barry Markowitz Mary Hartman Casey Lauer Brian Reisner Christopher Cubley Data Entry Team Acknowledgments