the dti, Trade and The World Summit on Sustainable Development
Contents 1.Pillars of Sustainable Development 2.SA’s Objectives for WSSD 3.SA’s Assessment of Progress since Rio 4.SA’s Response – The Global Deal – Key Elements 5.Linking the WSSD and the Doha Declaration 6.Way Forward
Pillars of Sustainable Development Rio Vision - integrative approach to: Economic development Social development Environmental sustainability “Development balanced betwn humanity's economic and social needs and the capacity of the planet's environment to meet present and future needs” Common but differential responsibility
SA’s Broad Objectives for WSSD Review progress in implementation of Rio Vision Identify weaknesses in implementation Consider action to ensure implementation Consider adaptations in light of new developments ten years after Rio.
SA’s Assessment of Progress Some steps towards SD but severe and growing constraints: Diminishing global and domestic resources to fund sustainable development Fragmented implementation of Agenda 21 Poor governance Lack of political commitment to SD goals
SA’s Assessment of Progress Poor Implementation has resulted in: Worsening global environmental conditions Increased marginalisation of developing countries Increasing levels of poverty, and global socio- economic inequality
SA’s Response: The Global Deal Adopt a forward-looking agenda No renegotiation of Agenda 21 Renew commitment to Agenda 21/Rio Principles Practical approaches to integration of the three pillars of sustainable development (eco, soc, environ) Focus on poverty eradication and reducing global inequality
Key Elements of the Global Deal Political agreement on action needed to promote SD Poverty eradication built on achieving Millennium Declaration Goals - halve poverty by 2015 Coherent governance Social Platform – WEHAB – action plans ·
Key Elements of the Global Deal Economic Platform Stabilise international financial flows Encourage long-term investment in developing countries Provide debt relief Improve the quantity and quality of ODA Enhance market access for developing countries
Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration Trade can be engine of economic growth Trade can contribute to poverty reduction Trade can integrate developing countries into global economy – reverse marginalisation Marrakesh Agreement on SD Doha Declaration preamble on SD Doha Development Agenda Trade and Environment Negotiations
WSSD and Doha Declaration Linking Use WSSD to Build Support for SA/Developing country approach to WTO negotiations Doha launched negotiation Outcomes uncertain/product of negotiations Negotiating outcomes to promote development and integration are possible
WSSD and Doha Declaration Linking Predictable, enhanced market access for developing country exports can: –Increase investment/production in developing countries –Rational, efficient global production –Environmental benefits –Development in the South –Increase global flows of trade and investment –Global economic growth
Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration Difficulties During the Preparatory Process: G77 – Go beyond Doha on eliminating subsidies, IPRs EU – Go beyond Doha and introduce Precautionary Principle, Eco-labelling US - Do not prejudge Doha negotiations
Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration Friends of Chair Meeting: No re-negotiation of finely balanced Doha Declaration, WSSD to send Political Message: Successful negotiations provide resources for SD Enhance market access for developing country exports Address implementation problems Operationalise special & differential treatment
Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration Enhanced technical cooperation and capacity building for trade Balanced, transparent, inclusive WTO negotiations Clarify linkages between WTO Rules and MEA On agriculture, industrial tariffs, subsidies, IPRs, use agreed language from Doha
Way forward Translate broad agreement into text Trade Ministers to consult New Text on Trade to be Negotiated in Jo’burg Ministerial Contact Groups in Jo’burg – trade, finance, governance the dti to participate in negotiating trade text