Meeting of the ISDR Asia Partnership March 2010 A Presentation by David Verboom and Thearat Touch EUROPEAN UNION AND DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (Photo compiled by ADPC)
EU (ECHO/DIPECHO) at A GLANCE The European Union as a whole (i.e., the Member States and the Commission) is one of the world's main humanitarian aid donors Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) is the service of the European Commission responsible for this activity. Mandate to provide emergency assistance and relief to the victims of natural disasters or armed conflict outside the European Union. The aid is intended to go directly to those in distress, irrespective of race, religion or political convictions. In 1996 ECHO launched a specific programme, DIPECHO (Disaster Preparedness ECHO) dedicated to disaster preparedness. The main component of ECHO's contribution to the global Disaster Risk Reduction efforts remains the DIPECHO programme which now covers 7 disaster-prone regions.
EU DRR Strategy Adopted by the European Union in May 2009 Rationale: Disasters are on the increase - developing countries are most effected Investing in disaster risk reduction pays off DRR commitments under European Consensus on Development and European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid Lack of policy, strategic frameworks and common voice on DRR Limited progress with the integration of DRR and linkage of DRR and climate change
EU DRR Strategy Content: Overall objective is to "contribute to sustainable development and poverty eradication by reducing the burden of disasters on the poor and the most vulnerable countries and population groups, by means of improved DRR" Five priority areas for intervention - in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action Covers all developing countries Covers disasters caused by natural & technological hazards
EU DRR Strategy Priorities: Political dialogue on DRR Regional Action Plans on DRR Integration of DRR and support for National DRR investment Integration of DRR at EU level Ensure that linkages to climate change are made in the above EU Member States committed
Added value of the Strategy Has the support of the Commission Services, the Member States, the donor community Defines an EU conceptual framework that should facilitate the sharing of responsibilities amongst Commission Services and between EC Services and Member States Positions the EU strategy towards the HFA Promotes a more effective cooperation between the humanitarian and development actors within and outside EU Disasters caused by natural and technological hazards
European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) & DRR Integration of disaster preparedness measures in humanitarian response and relief Advocacy Disaster Preparedness Programme (DIPECHO) Funding of Capacity-Building measures for humanitarian actors, incl. for disaster preparedness A DRR strategy is being prepared, in line with the EU strategy: aim to position and “task” DG ECHO in its contribution to the DRR agenda and the HFA
DIPECHO Natural Disaster Preparedness Programme of ECHO Work through EU-NGOs, IOs/UN, Red Cross but with local partners DIPECHO in 2009 = about € 34 mln world-wide DIPECHO in South East Asia: € 10 mln ( ) Focus on preparedness measures incl. demonstrative small-scale mitigation, in particular through CBDRR Promotes regional & international DRR agenda & HFA Links with other EC instruments and other donors. Complements humanitarian aid actions: part of DG ECHO’s humanitarian mandate to save lives
Proposals Received under the Call of 7 th DIPECHO Action Plan for SEA DIPECHO in South East Asia: € 10 mln ( ) A very large amount of proposals received. 86 proposals for a total amount requested to DG ECHO of EUR 33,181,059 Reasons are varied but overall it shows more engagements from implementing agencies on DRR and in particular on CBDRR, which is a positive side.
Cambodia Cambodia: 7 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 3,264,000. Regional & multi country: 21 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 10,478,370
Laos Lao: 7 proposals, amount requested EUR 2,025,450 Regional & multi country: 21 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 10,478,370 Laos
Vietnam Vietnam: 10 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 3,579,000 Regional & multi country: 21 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 10,478,370
Philippines The Philippines: 11 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 3,591,000 Regional & multi country: 21 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 10,478,370
Proposals Received under the Call of 7 th DIPECHO Action Plan for SEA Burma/Myanmar: 10 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 2,850,600 Indonesia: 20 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 7,393,270 Regional & multi country: 21 proposals, amount requested appr. EUR 10,478,370 Timor Leste addressed through 6 proposals
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