Council of College and Military Educators (CCME)
About Us CCME is an active proponent for the professional development of those serving in the military education CCME membership is composed of military educators, civilian educators, post secondary educational institutions, and suppliers of quality education products and services. Goes back to early 1970’s (CA ACME) Fist symposium 1973 (40 years ago last year) Recently actively working with state ACME’s
Current Leadership Jim Yenopolous, Chancellor CTC, Current President Jeff Cropsey, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Grantham, Incoming President Franco (Frank) Lopez, Military Liaison Southern Columbia, Vice President & Programs Lane Huber, Chief Distance Learning & Military Affairs Office, Bismarck State College, Incoming VP
CCME Scholarships Put our money into scholarships Built an endowment where ½ of registration money collected goes into it annually Last year 15 one thousand dollar scholarships (5 active, 5 spouses and 5 veterans
2015 CCME Professional Development Symposium Annual—key event—has kind of replaced the DoD symposium January ; Theme: "Innovative Pathways to Military Student Success" General sessions, concurrent sessions (65 with four tracks, and roundtables
Some Key Items For This Year OSD support this year (15 concurrent sessions) January ; Theme: "Innovative Pathways to Military Student Success" General sessions, concurrent sessions (65 with four tracks, and roundtables