Practitioner led action research in post-16 English, maths and ICT (literacies) contexts Bob Read, Joss Kang, Ian Grayling & Claire Collins Skills for Life? English, maths and ESOL for 21st Century Citizens 22nd October, London
Develop a shared understanding of what we mean by ‘PLAR’ Identify how PLAR can be used as a vehicle for self development and professional practice Begin to explore areas of your practice which could benefit from PLAR Workshop aims
“Teachers can only really be professional if they are able to engage in and with research around ‘best practice’ in their profession… " Carr and Kemmis, 1986 "To be at their most effective, teachers and teacher educators need to engage with research and enquiry" BERA –RSA Inquiry into Research and Teacher Education, 2014 Practitioners as researchers
Why 'practitioner-led action research'? Practitioner-led action research (PLAR) aims to improve and to involve. There should be improvements in: practice; understanding of the practice by its practitioners; and the situation in which the practice takes place. (Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. (1986) ‘Becoming Critical: Education Knowledge and Action Research’, Routledge, p.165)
Margaret MacMillan Social reformer, late 19 th ct Concerned about health and welfare of children in industrial north (Bradford) ‘children attended school in every stage and state of physical misery’ Worked with school medical officer
Action Research is not a new practice - Margaret MacMillan’s chart Margaret’s Research was presented ‘multimodally’ – it had a significant impact for this reason 1906 Provision of School Meals Act
So PLAR….. enables practitioners to identify and enquire into real problems or issues that they encounter in their work; develops practitioners’ capacity to critically question their experience and reflect on their actions; links practice to its underpinning theory by using theory to question practice and practice to question and inform theories; and is accessible to and usable by other practitioners in similar situations.
Exploring some research and resources Working in five groups, you will look at one of the following 1.Planning and monitoring learning (Wirral Lifelong & Family Learning + HMP Humber) 2.Digital literacies (Kirklees College (x 2 projects) 3.Introverts and extroverts in ESOL (Woking College) 4.Multi-modal reporting eGuide 5.What is PLAR? & critique of PLAR
In jigsaw (new) groups... ●What did the researchers learn about their topics? ●Does the research challenge any dominant discourses? ●What are the benefits of PLAR for literacies practitioners/ learners? How could organisations benefit? ●To what extent were the researchers empowered through their research? ●If you could undertake PLAR, what are some ‘hunches’ you would like to test out? ●How can research in adult literacies contexts help better prepare learners for work and life?
‘Stages’ of PLAR The diagram lays out a typical research process: 1. Planning and preparation 2. Data collection 3. Analysis 4. Reporting, disseminating and embedding into practice The diagram above is taken from the Education Scotland ‘PLAR’ website (see
We can also identify PLAR ‘cycles'
The eCPD module supports a practitioner’s action research journey right from early planning through to final reporting, and beyond. eCPD module Want to know more? Action research e-CPD module