ATAR and University Entry Mr Andrew Hill (Associate Principal Senior School)
WACE Requirements 2011 Breadth and Depth Requirement Complete a minimum of 20 course units or the equivalent. The 20 course units must include at least: four course units from English, Literature and/or English as an Additional Language/Dialect, studied during Year 11 and Year 12 (at least two of these units must be completed in Year 12) One pair of course units from each of List A (arts/languages/social sciences) and List B (mathematics/science/technology) completed in Year 12.
WACE Requirements 2011 Achievement standard requirement: Achieve a C grade average or better across the best 10 course units. Endorsed programs and/or VET credit transfer (stand alone) can reduce the required number of course units by up to 6 units.
WACE Requirements 2011 English language competence requirement: Achieve a C grade or better in any Stage 1 or higher course unit from English, Literature and/or English as an Additional Language/Dialect For students who have not achieved a C grade in one of their English, Literature and/or or English as an Additional Language/Dialect course units, schools will need to compare a selection of the student’s work with the work samples to verify the student has demonstrated the required standard.
UNI ENTRY REQUIREMENTS PREREQUISITES: often one or more of: Stage 2C/D Mathematics Stage 3 Mathematics or Mathematics Specialist Stage 3 Chemistry Stage 3 Physics A Stage 3 Mathematics or Science subject Note: 60% of university courses have a Maths prerequisite
WACE Requirements 2011 Why Students Don’t Graduate Failure to gain English competency Course selection inappropriate Grades not high enough Too many U grades The reason for not graduating is almost always failing to hand in work
PATHWAYS AFTER ELLENBROOK SC UNI, TAFE or EMPLOYMENT? UNI - GET HIGH MARKS - sounds silly but helps you avoid the worst of the moderation and scaling processes HAVE A CAREER GOAL - helps you focus as you know what you are aiming for as an ATAR score.
UNI ENTRY REQUIREMENTS WA Certificate of Education (WACE) English competence A scaled mark of 50 in Literature or a scaled mark of 50 in English 2A/2B or 3A/3B (some concessions now) AT LEAST 4 Stage 2 or 3 COURSES
COURSE ELLENBROOK Why 4 Stage 3 in Year 12?
2.ATAR – How is it calculated?
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) An ATAR ranges between and zero, and reports your rank position relative to all other students. It takes into account the number of students who sit the WACE examinations in any year and also the number of people of Year 12 school leaving age in the total population. Your TEA will be calculated and then converted to an ATAR, which tells you where you are ranked relative to other students. This will be the same position as a ranking based on your TEA, but the TEA is not able to convey this information directly to you. If you have an ATAR of 70.00, for example, it indicates that you have achieved as well as or better than 70% of the Year 12 school leaver age population.
TERTIARY ENTRANCE AGGREGATE (TEA) The TEA is the sum of your best four scaled marks taking into account unacceptable course combinations. The TEA is out of 400.
Picture of scaling
For the 4 public Universities UWA, ECU, Curtin and Murdoch go to:
For the private Universities go to their website: Eg Notre Dame
The ATAR is used by: the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory;Universities Admissions CentreNew South WalesAustralian Capital Territory the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC) in South Australia and the Northern Territory;South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre South AustraliaNorthern Territory Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) in VictoriaVictorian Tertiary Admissions CentreVictoria Queensland (QSA) does a conversion table see TISC site. For interstate Universities apply through relevant tertiary body
4.Application for Uni by Alternative Entry
ECU Portfolio Pathway Year 12 grades in approved courses (3 Stage 2 Courses + 1 Stage 1) English competence TAFE certificates Readiness for tertiary study References Interview
Portfolio Entry leavers/how-to-get-into-ecu/entry- pathways/portfolio-entry
ECU UPC Year 12 grades in approved courses (2 Stage Stage 1) English competence TAFE certificates Readiness for tertiary study References Interview
Curtin Alternative Entry leavers/how-to-get-in/flexible-entry-pathways/
5.Calculate your ATAR
Requirements for University Minimum ATAR scores required ECU MURDOCH CURTIN UWA 80.00
Requirements for University Cut offs for some popular courses ECU Early Childhood Education ECU Nursing CUR Commerce CUR Applied Geology MUR Conservation & Wildlife Biology MUR Games Art and Design UWA Health Science (BHlthSc) UWA Arts Information from
Calculate Your Predicted ATAR Your top 4 Courses going to Stage 2 or 3 in Year 12 Use sheet provided RankCourseMarkExamTotComb+/- ScalingTotal Eg2AHBS66+51=117÷ 2 =58-5=53 12HBS+=÷ 2 == 22ECO+=÷ 2 == 33MAT+=÷ 2 == 42ENG+=÷ 2 == TEA ATAR Prediction – my best guess is_______
Calculate Your Predicted ATAR Your top 4 Courses going to Stage 2 or 3 in Year 12 Use sheet provided RankCourseMarkExamTotComb+/- ScalingTotal Eg2AHBS66+51=117÷ 2 =58-5=53 12HBS75+76=151÷ 2 =75-5=70 22ECO68+60=128÷ 2 =64-5=59 33MAT54+50=104÷ 2 =520= 42ENG73+80=153÷ 2 =76-5=71 TEA252 ATAR Prediction – my best guess is 82 EXAMPLE
Start Now!!! YOUR PATHWAY TO UNIVERSITY Finding the right university course: Ask some employers Contact universities by phone, or in person Attend open days and other events Read prospectuses and handbooks Visit university websites
YOUR PATHWAY AFTER ELLENBROOK SC Have a career goal Read the JOB GUIDE Talk to Mr Hill Visit the Career Development Centre, level 2, 166 Murray St, Perth (above Woolworths) when there try Career Voyage or Career Mate (like the Job Guide) (especially the career profiles and interviews) (especially the ca (where jobs are, who gets them, and what they get paid)who gets them, and what they get paid)
Where is the Career Development Centre? Career Centre Level 2, 166 Murray Street, PerthPhone: or
Study Skills Website Login as subscriber, USERNAME: forellenbrooksconly PASSWORD: 49results
dates 2011 will be similar