Vertebral Column
General Characteristics 1. Consists of 26 irregular bones 2. A curved structure that extends from the skull to the pelvic region 3. Surrounds and protects the spinal cord. 4. It provides for attachment for ribs and muscles of neck and back.
Divisions 1. 7 cervical vertebrate 2. 12 thoracic vertebrate 3. 5 lumbar vertebrate 4. five fused vertebrate = sacrum 5. four fused vertebrate = coccyx
Curvatures 1. Cervical and lumbar curvatures are concave posteriorly. 2. Thoracic and sacral curvatures are convex posteriorly. 3. These curvatures increase resiliency and flexibility of the spine.
Intervertebral Discs Cushion like pads that act as shock absorbers and allow the spine to flex, extend, and bend laterally.
General Structure of Vertebrate 1. Each vertebra has an anteriorbody and a posterior vertebral arch that together with the body form the vertebral foramen through which the spinal cord passes.
2. The vertebral arch has 2 pedicles and 2 laminae 2. The vertebral arch has 2 pedicles and 2 laminae. These give rise to several projections. A) median spinous process B) 2 lateral transverse process C) Paired superior and inferior articular processes.
3. The pedicles have notches on their superior and inferior borders called intervertebral foramen. The intervertebral foramen provide openings for the passage of spinal nerves.
Thoracic Cage aka Rib Cage Consists of: Thoracic vertebrae The ribs The sternum Costal cartilage Provides for protection around the organs of the thoracic cavity, and provide support for the shoulder girdles and upper limbs
Sternum A flat bone made of three fused bones; manubrium, body, and xiphoid process. The manubrium articulates with the clavicles. The body articulates with the cartilage of ribs 2-7. Xiphoid process the inferior end
Ribs 12 pairs The superior seven attach directly to the sternum with individual costal cartilages. They are considered to be “true” ribs. The inferior five attach indirectly or not at all to the sternum. They are considered to be “false” ribs.