1 The bones of limbs SHANDONG UNIVERSITY Liu Zhiyu
2 shoulder girdle bones of free upper limb Composition bones of upper limb humerus radius ulna The bones of hand Carpal Metacarpals Phalanges Clavicle Scapula
3 1 、 Clavicle : position: :。 shape : S-shaped, , medial end: sternal end lateral end: Acromial end Acromial endSternal end
4 (1). a. Superior border : Coracoid process 2. Scapula b. Lateral (axillary) border c. Medial (vertebral) border (1) Three borders
5 Superior angle : opposite to the 2nd rib Inferior angle : opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostals space Lateral angle : Supraglenoid tubercles infraglenoid tubercles Glenoid cavity : articulates with head of humerus (2) Three angles
6 ( 3)Two surfaces Anterior surface : subscapular fossa Posterior surface ― Spine of scapula Acromion supraspinous fossa infraspinous fossa
7 (二) 1 、 Humerus : located in the upper arm head of humerus Lesser tubercle Medial epicondyle capitulum of humerus Radial fossa Intertubercular sulcus Deltoid tuberosity Surgical neck Trochlea of humerus Greater tubercle The anterior review of humerus
8 (二) head of humerus Surgical neck Sulcus for radial nerve Lateral epicondle Olecranon fossa Sulcus for ulnar nerve Trochlea of humerus The posterior review of humerus
9 Radius Upper end: head of radius neck of radius radial tuberosity articular circumference Shaft : interosseous border Lower end: styloid process ulnar notch carpal articular surface
10 Ulnar Upper end: olecranon coronoid process trochlear notch radial notch ulnar tubersity Lower end styloid process head of ulna
11 3 、 bones of hand : Carpal bones. Metacarpal bones. ) Phalanges of fingers 。
12 3 、 bones of hand Carpal bones. 、 Scaphoid bone Lunate bone Triquetral bone Pisiform bone Trapezium bone Trapezoid bone Capitate bone Hamate bone Metacarpal bones
13 3 、 bones of hand : Proximal phalanx Middle phalanx Distal phanx Metacarpal bones. Phalanges of fingers 。 Base Shaft Head 头
14 二、 Bones of Lower Limb Pelvic Girdles : hip bone bone s of free lower limb Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Bones of foot
15 (一) Pelvic Girdles Hip bone :由 Ilium 、 Pubis 、 Ischium 。 iliac crest Acetabular fossa Anterior superior iliac spine Arcuate line Iliac fossa Lunate surface Auricular surface Anterior inferior iliac spine Acetabul um Iliac tuberosity Posterior superior iliac spuine Ala of ilium Posterior inferior iliac spine Obturator foramen
16 Greater sciatic notch Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Ischial tuberosity Pecten pubis Symphysial surface inferior ramus of pubis Ramus of ischium body of ischium Superior ramus of pubis Pubic tubercle
17 (二) The bone s of free lower limb 1 、 Femur Femoral head Neck of femur Linea aspera Gluteal uberosity Medial condyle Lateral condyle Intercondlar fossa lesser trochanter Geater trochanter
18 2 、 Patella is a sesamoid bone, embeded in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris. 关节面 Base of patella Apex of patella Articular surface Anterior surface
19 3 、 The bones of leg : ( 1 ) Tibia ( 2 ) Fibula 。 Fibular head Neck of fibula Lateral malleolus Lateral condyle Medial condyle Intercondylar eminence Tibial tuberosity Medial malleolus Shaft of tibia Shaft of fibula
20 4 、 bones of foot calcaneus talus Navicular bone Cuneiform bones Metatarsal bone Phalanges of toes Cuboid bone Tarsal bones. Metatarsal B. Phalanges of Toes
24 2 、 The bones of forearm ( 2 ) Ulna Head of radius Styloid process ofradius Radial tuberosity Styloid process of ulna ( 1 ) Radius Head of ulna neck of radius Trochlear notch Olecranon coronoid process