PHENIX Simulation System 1 January 12, 2000 Simulation: Status for VRDC Tarun Ghosh, Indrani Ojha, Charles Vanderbilt University January 2000 Software Review Meeting
PHENIX Simulation System 2 January 12, 2000 Presentation Plan Progress since November 1999 Currently available events Plans for more event production Questions for PWGs
PHENIX Simulation System 3 January 12, 2000 Milestones Until Day 1 (Review Mtg) VRDC start on December 15, and go to January 15 PISA99 and PRDF files generation (must freeze libraries before) Approximately 100K events to be processed Will also do signal file mixing as in MDC2 (start December 20) 3D map file in place by February 15 PRDF+PRDF mixing by February 29 (needs subsystem work) Reconfiguration of geometry installation (DB) May 1 Requires the most subsystem programmer interaction Di-lepton generator cocktail from Stony Brook group March Interface to PISA99 the work done by Ralf Averback Update PISA99 documentation February 15 ROOT usage, new make file system Specialized scripts for event generation and retrieval
PHENIX Simulation System 4 January 12, 2000 Progress since November 1999 Wrote XxxPutDCM functions Transfers subsystem DCM Table data to PRDF output buffers Analog of XxxGetDCM functions (Kyle Pope et al.) PRDF output buffers written to PRDF (M. Messer / M. Purschke) Appears to work O.K., with recent revisions Work to be done after VRDC Need better reset capability Need to eliminate “hard-wiring” of internal constants Decide who supports this software Ported MERGE facility from STAF to PHOOL (December 30) Mixing of PISA hits files in response chain to make one PRDF Appears to be working in current test chains Minor upgrades possible after VRDC (e.g. more flexibility on files)
PHENIX Simulation System 5 January 12, 2000 Progress since November 1999 Ported event PERL scripts from STAF to PHOOL (Dec. 20) Done by Tarun Ghosh Using LSF on PHENIX rcas nodes Added to CVS repository to have revision control Established VRDC documentation sites on the WWW Input control files used for PISA files and PRDFs generation: PISA files MERGE implementation: Output of PISA files and PRDF generation:
PHENIX Simulation System 6 January 12, 2000 Current Status of VRDC Events Only PISA99 (ROOT-formatted) hits files are available Done by Tarun Ghosh using LSF on PHENIX rcas nodes All output being stored on /phenix/data0x disks (not in HPSS yet) PRDF production will start when a response chain is certified Inventory as of January 11 Only Central Arm central collision events so far (most time-consuming) 40 production jobs in use (20 CPUs) 32 jobs at fixed vertex (-35 to +35 cm in 5 cm steps, all at T0=0) 8 jobs at continuous vertex (22 cm RMS, Gaussian distribution) 309 files PISA99 hits files have been produced in 245 Gbytes resulting in 61,800 events stored (~2.5 weeks running)
PHENIX Simulation System 7 January 12, 2000 Plans for future production at RCF Changeover to PRDF production Likely will stop PISA99 hits production on Monday, January 17 Existing inventory of PISA99 files will be converted into PRDFs and GEANT Evaluation Files (assume 3 days effort) All will be transferred to the HPSS directories Production will resume in mid-week with immediate PRDF production in sequence from PISA99 hits file production Other events production at RCF Plan to use the rcrs nodes for Muon Arm production (LSF?) goal is 10K central collision events for Muon Arm Minimum bias running for 100K events can be done in ~1 week MERGEd PRDFs (Indrani Ojha responsible) late in January also
PHENIX Simulation System 8 January 12, 2000 Plans for future production off-site PHENIX CC-J N. Hayashi et al. are supervising Will use HPSS at PHENIX CC-J Events selection to be determined (will include pp, others?) U.S. Universities and Labs VU produced all the Muon Arm events for MDC1 and MDC2. not sure whether we need to do that again, or something else Effort made at UNM during MDC2, impeded by local network, may choose to try again if a local UNM person can be committed Signal events for PISA files merge Phi->e+e-, J/Psi->e+e- from ISU in MDC2 (forced acceptance) Phi->K+K-, from UCR in MDC2 (forced acceptance) J/Psi->mu+mu-, from LANL in MDC2 (Muon Arm) USB (Stony Brook) also possible as a production site
PHENIX Simulation System 9 January 12, 2000 Plans for PWGs What other types of events are necessary for the VRDC? Who will produce these events and PRDFs? New detector in PISA99 Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) Global event PWG Need testing of this subsystem in January-February Require separate event generation and then MERGE later because of very large longitudinal range of the tracking in PISA