Colegio Maya Elementary & PTA presents the I Love To Read Month 2010
What is the I Love to Read Month? It is a program designed for you to have fun reading at home. A book is chosen to kick off the program, and this year’s book is…
“Oh, the Places you’ll Go!” By Dr. Seuss
What do you need to do? You will have to read a certain amount of time at home, including weekends.. For instance if you are in Pre-K, Kinder or 1 st grade you will need to read at least 20 minutes per day,. 2 nd or 3 rd grade will have to read at least 30 minutes. And 4 th and 5 th grade at least 40 minutes per day.
Where do you record your reading? Today your room parents are going to give you a folder with four (4) reading logs in it. In the reading logs you will record the title of the book and time you read -don’t forget to ask your parents to sign. DateReading material (Title of book, magazine, chapter..) Time Read (in minutes) Parent Signature Full signature TotalPK,K & 1 st 2 nd & 3 rd 4 th & 5 th 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
When you finish the time set on the reading log please answer the question on the back. This year they are color code: green, pink, yellow and purple. Bring your reading logs to school each Friday and during the last week on Wednesday. Green paper Write or draw about places you’ve been and/or would like to go, real or imaginary. Escribe o dibuja sobre algún lugar o lugares –reales o imaginarios- donde has estado o donde te gustaria ir. 가본 곳이나 가보고 싶은 곳의 그림을 그리세요.( 실재거 나 상상이거나 )
Your answers are going to be placed on the mural which is located on the way to the cafeteria. A thermometer will show how much time the whole elementary has read --- room parents will keep track in a weekly basis.
What are some of the activities for this month? Opening Ceremony Dr. Seuss class workshop Pajama Day Spanish Week – Alexis Cuenta Cuentos Parent’s Literature Workshop Closing Ceremony – Dress up as your favorite character!
Incentives & Prizes … Ask Ms. Sherman and… For the classes that read the most… 1 st place: Pizza Party 2 nd place:Ice Cream Party 3 rd Place:Dr. Seuss Cake