Rape Hate Crime An act of enforced, non consenting sexual behavior and or sexual intercourse. Against someone’s will or wishes Forced-against their will Manipulated-tricking someone Coerced-pressured, threatening or intimidating someone into having sex.
Rape/Sexual Assault By law: It is a sexual offense to have sexual intercourse with someone who does not or cannot give consent. Penal code 130.05 A person is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is less than seventeen years of age or mentally defective or mentally incapacitated with alcohol or other drugs.
Rape Facts Average date rape victim age is: 16-19-25 1 out of 4/5 students will be sexually abused by the age of 18/19 1 out of 6 students under 12 years of age will be raped, abused or assaulted. 1 rape occurs in the US every 2 minutes of the day. For every 1 rape that occurs 8/9 go rapes go unreported.
Rape Facts In the US rape is: 20xs higher than Japan 31xs higher than Britain 4xs higher than Germany 84% use of physical force >20% (11%) of rape offenders used a weapon 30% are under the influence of alcohol 4% are under the influence of other drugs
Who are the victims? Women: 17.7 million victims of attempted or completed rape 1 out of 6 American women 14.8% completed rape 2.8% attempted rape All women 17.6%% Children: 15% are under age 12. White women 17.7% 29% 12-17 Black women 18.8% *44% under 18 Asian/Pacific 6.8% *80% under age 30 American Indian 34.1% 7% of girls grades 5-8 Mixed race 24.4% 3% of boys grades 5-8 12-34 years of age highest risk groups. Girls16-19 4xs to be victims. 9 out of 10 are females in 2003 Babies to adults 80% of all victims are white but minorities are more likely to be attack. Men: About 3% or 1 out of 33 completed or attempt raped. 1 out of 10 was a male victim, so 9 out of 10 are females. Nonstrangers-73% are usually the perpetrators. 38%-58.7% were acquaintances-you know them. 34.2% family members, relative 7% Stranger rape- >7% of the cases. Average age of perpetrator 24-44 years of age. Mean 31 years of age. 22% married Date rape: 16-19 years of age-highest level.
Places where rape occurs: 50% within one mile from home or in the home Within a few blocks from your home 4 in 10 take place at the victims home 2 in 10 take place at the home of a friend, neighbor or relative 1 out of 4 is in a public place. 1 in 12 take place in a parking garage Public Places->50% 43% of rape occur between 6pm to midnight-12am 24% occur between midnight-12am to 6:00am 33% take place between 6:00am and 6:00pm Anywhere: Planned behavior by the perpetrator.
What should you do if you become a victim of rape Do not Shower Do not Change Clothes Do not Douche Do not urinate-if you have collect in container. DO TELL SOMEONE
Effects from Rape 3xs more likely to suffer from depression 6xs more likely to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. 13xs more likely to abuse alcohol 26xs more likely to abuse drugs 4xs more likely to contemplate suicide Pregnancies-5% 64,080 raped-3,204 became pregnant from abuse. 60% of victims do not report rape/assualt 15 of 16 rapist will never spend one day in jail
Behaviors that a person can do to decrease their chances of becoming a rape victim Avoid being alone/isolated Avoid Alcohol Double Date Do not hitchhike-against the law Park near exits Park under lighted area Keep house/windows locked. Car locked Keep lights on at the house Go places together with a friend. Group Walk/Jog with a friend
Places to go for Help Community Action Center 945-1041 Child Advocacy Center-716-372-8532 Olean General Hospital-376 5670 Rape Crisis Hotline 1-800-342-3720 RAINN Hotline- 1-800-656-hope-4673 NYS Mandated Reporter Hotline: 1-800-635-1522
Incest- “Kinship” Any contacts or interactions between a child and any their family member in a position of power or control over a child.
Types Father/daughter Step Father/daughter Father/Son Brother/Sister Mother/Son Relative
Statistics Average age 13 usually between 6-16 75% females 30% between 4-7 years of age 1/3 less than 6 years 95% by men 80% by men to boys
Signs of abuse Bruises Blood Fear to go to bed Fear to be left alone STDs Pregnancy Verbal statements Difficulty walking or sitting Sore in genital area Drug/Alcohol abuse Others
Prevention Education Good Parenting Skills Present yourself with assertiveness Report to friends or family members