Travel Goes Paperless with e-Reimbursement September 1st Christina Rickert, Accounts Payable Manager
e-Reimbursement Workflow
Travel Attachments Business Purpose (i.e. agenda, schedule of events, itinerary) Includes dates, location, event name, etc. Registration Transportation Lodging Meals Receipt Requirements – always keep your receipts Required Over $25 Not Required
Travel Receipt Requirements
New Travel Polices & Rates Effective October 5 th, 2015 1200 General Travel Policy 1202 Purchase & Payment of Lodging 1203 Meal & Incidental Expense (M&IE) Per Diem Allowance Reimbursements 1204 Use of Personal Vehicles, Rental Cars & Fleet for Business Transportation 1205 Purchase & Payment of Miscellaneous Travel Expenses Headquarter City & UW Sponsored Events
1200 General Travel Policy Aligns the new travel polices with IRS Accountable Plan requirements All expense reports must be submitted within 90 days of trip end date Full accounting of trip expenses on the expense report – include prepaid items One report for one trip
1202 Purchase & Payment of Lodging Rates are either set at the Federal rate or a percent over the Federal rate (up to 125% in the United States) Rates very by location and date of stay (seasonal differentials) May exceed the rate maximum when attending a conference and staying at a conference location, or recommended conference location Use of lodging brokers is prohibited (Expedia,, etc.) P-card used is an approved payment method
1203 M&IE Per Diem Allowance Travelers no longer report meals by leave/return time Allowed 75% of daily allowance on first/last days of travel Provided meals will be deducted from per diem as a percentage Hotel complimentary breakfast and airline meals are not required to be deducted from allowance Incidental per diem includes: fees/tips to service staff, phone calls, laundry, transportation between place of lodging or business to obtain meals Day trips (no overnight stay) include a meal allowance of $15 per day, if no meals are provided This amount is tax reportable UW TravelWIse calculator can be used for trip planning
1204 Use of POV, Rental Vehicles, Fleet 1205 Miscellaneous Travel Expenses US General Services Administration ( Standard Rate - $0.575 Turndown Rate - $0.352 Driving your POV less than 100 miles roundtrip – Standard Rate Driving your POV more than 100 miles roundtrip – Turndown Rate No longer allowed a reimbursement for gas in lieu of mileage No change in receipt requirements
Headquarter City & UW Sponsored Events (Hosted Events) Includes: receptions, business meetings, hosting job candidates, workshops, retreats, orientations, training sessions, seminars, departmental meetings, etc. Separate rate structure (Within WI $12 / $18 / $30, refreshment $10) Rate maximums are based on actual expenses incurred Inclusive of standard gratuity or required service charged up to 20% Food policy will be updated – Itemized receipts required M&IE per diem rates to not apply
Accounts Payable Website e-Reimbursement Module